Why you HAVE to unsubscribe from Observable

Higher Order Observables, Subscribing and Unsubscribing

🦊 Reactive Fox 🚀
Angular In Depth
12 min readMar 12, 2019


Look at the following example and ask yourself: do I need to unsubscribe…or not?

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Yes, many articles already exist on this subject. But, it’s important to understand that any code that does not unsubscribe can lead to memory leaks and performance regression. So, let’s figure out once and for all when and when not to unsubscribe by examining a few examples.

Do not subscribe

The easiest way to unsubscribe from an Observable is not to subscribe in the first place. Yes, that’s it! Just don’t subscribe at all. “But how do I get all the data I need?” I hear you say. Easy. In Angular, you can just pass your Observable to AsyncPipe.

AsyncPipe unwraps a value from the Observable directly in the template and automatically unsubscribes when the View is destroyed.

It looks something like this:

Here. You didn’t subscribe, so there is no need to unsubscribe. Hurray!

Now we know how to handle the Observable, but what would be the best way to work with HttpClient?

Working with HttpClient

When working with HttpClient we might face the situation where we just can’t use AsyncPipe for the Observable. To dive deeper, let’s look at some examples:

  • re-sending requests when parameters are being changed
  • receiving data in parallel from several streams
  • sending individual requests
  • creating, deleting and updating data

Simple request with subscription and unsubscribing

Let’s consider a situation when there’s an Http Request and we need to get some server data. Like this:

Perfect, now we have a request, so we can subscribe to it. Let’s just do it:

We successfully subscribed, and made a very important mistake. We forgot to unsubscribe! But you may ask, “Why should I do this if HttpClient completes the Observable after the data is received?”

Common subscription handling mistakes

Suppose we want to not only receive data, but also to assign it to a component variable:

This is what might happen in this case. If after creating the request but before receiving an answer from the back-end, you deem the component unnecessary and destroy it. Your subscription will maintain the reference to the component thus creating a chance for memory leaks.

Here’s another example where a second subscription is created or an asynchronous action is performed inside a subscription:

If you’re still on the fence about unsubscribing from HttpClient take a look at this example:

Here if we don’t end the subscription, the stream will never terminate. Are you absolutely sure you will never face a situation like this?

In real life development you can’t be sure this will never happen. As a result you might end up with a real memory leak in your application. Create several subscriptions like that, and your memory will never be cleared, the browser will crunch numbers for no useful reason until it crashes.

Operators take, first, takeWhile…

… ARE USELESS! When using them, there’s still no guarantee that the stream will receive any data. At the same time your code has side effects and keeps references to your components in memory. It can also lead to errors when dealing with entities that have been destroyed along with a component.

For example, you can’t be sure your stream receives the emitted response. Or that your event handler doesn’t crash because your View had been destroyed.

If you don’t need something, just destroy it and let it die.

He who has subscribed shall unsubscribe

To dispose of a subscription you can simply use the unsubscribe() method:

That’s it. Now we can be sure our subscription will always be ended and we’re safe from a memory leak! Note that we absolutely have to create the subscription during the initialization of a component and later when it’s being destroyed we need to check if the subscription is still live, cancel it and clear all references to it. That sure sounds pretty tedious, don’t you think? Check this out:

It looks terrible! Let’s try to simplify unsubscribing.

Storing all subscriptions in a list

The simplest way to end all subscriptions at once is to store them all in a list and then just go through it. Let’s just do it:

Ok, fine, we reduced the number of operations and made our code more compact, but it’s still complex! Let’s try something else.

Using Subscription add

We can add a teardown effect to each subscription by calling subscription.add(). It will be invoked when the subscription is destroyed. Let’s use this:

Now we only work with a single subscription. All other subscriptions are added to it, and destroying the component also cancels all of them. But we still have to manage them manually! On to the next idea.

Using takeUntil

The takeUntil operator works as follows: it subscribes to a data source and takes an Observable which tells the stream when to end the subscription.

We’ll use ReplaySubject to emit the last message in case the subscription is ended after the component is destroyed.

Voila, now let’s try to use it. The simplest case might look like this:

And we still have to handle destroy! There are a few more ways to tackle our problem, let’s go over them.

Using the AutoUnsubscribe decorator

Let’s use the AutoUnsubscribe decorator from this library: https://github.com/NetanelBasal/ngx-auto-unsubscribe. Example incoming:

Our problem is now partially solved: the decorator will automatically dispose subscriptions. In this particular case they are stored in this.subscriptions, where the rest of subscriptions go. But we still have to create the empty and useless hook ngOnDestroy().

Let’s keep improving.

Using the untilDestroyed operator

The untilDestroyed() operator was created by Netanel Basal, here’s a link to the package: https://github.com/NetanelBasal/ngx-take-until-destroy. It works similarly to takeUntil() but it uses a component reference instead of Observable. Using it yields code like this:

This is so much better! But we still have to create the ngOnDestroy() hook! Any more solutions?

Using the NgOnDestroy service

The idea here is using the ngOnDestroy() hook inherent to all services for automatic unsubscribing. Here’s an example of a service set up like that: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-auto-unsubscribe-service. Let’s try using it:

Now we don’t need to create the extra ngOnDestroy() hook, but we do need to add services to the list of providers of every component that uses NgOnDestroy, and also to read it using DI in constructor.

And that sums up all the main ways of ending subscriptions properly. Don’t you think it over complicates things?

Don’t subscribe!

I mean it.

You probably have better things to do in your life than managing subscriptions.

Just stop subscribing!

Subscriptionless subscriptions

If you haven’t read my previous article, now is a great time to do it. It’ll help you to understand the context of this next part.

We looked at the most basic case of HttpClient when we just received data. But we might need to wait for the termination of the previous request? Or to replace it. Or to perform everything asynchronously and process all the results at once. What then?

For cases like this, RxJS provides us with convenient Higher Order Observables. Here are some of these operators that you’re most likely to come across when developing your applications: switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap, exhaustMap. Let’s explore them one by one and see what their purpose is and when to use them.

Why don’t we start with the simplest of all. We’ll send requests to our imaginary API from this basic load() function that emulates the request.


Now let’s use the data loading function in the load$ effect. To do this we’ll need switchMap().


switchMap() switches to a new stream every time it receives a message. If it’s already operating on a stream the moment it receives the message, the old stream is terminated.


So far so good! We’ve created our first subscriptionless subscription! But what if we want to add an event model to our application?

Handling events

The most popular events in applications are Create, Update, and Delete. Let’s implement a simple function to emulate out event channel:

Here’s what we have done: we declared a test set of events that our channel will send, and wrote a function that reads events of a specific type from the channel. Now we need an effect that would subscribe to events. Let’s call it channel$. For this we’ll be using the mergeMap() operator.


The mergeMap() method combines new stream messages with the old stream messages that it’s already working with. It’s used when we don’t care about the order of messages, but we do need to receive messages from all streams.

We’re now receiving messages from the channel! But there’s a problem: we can’t unsubscribe from events when we don’t need them anymore. E.g. if we don’t want to receive any more Create events, we can’t stop them. Let’s fix this.

This is where takeUntil() comes into play. Let’s just cut into the command stream and wait for the application to initiate unsubscribe.

Now, we might not only subscribe to specific events, but also unsubscribe from them! And our application handles data loading, but let’s assume our back-end is not capable of processing a lot of specific requests.

Processing queues

We’ve already implemented a load() function that emulates data loading from the network. We’ve also implemented a load$ effect for it that enables the store to load the data.

And it’s only now that our back-end devs inform us they can’t process data loading fast enough, and all these requests have overloaded the back-end. Let’s fix that using concatMap()!


The concatMap() method combines new stream messages with the old stream messages it’s been working with. It also waits for the previous stream to terminate before launching a new one. We use it when we care about the order of events and we need to receive all of them.


Perfect! The back-end guys are happy, the front-end does not send all the requests at once, but there’s a BUT here. Don’t do this in a real application, this is a far-fetched example. :) At the very least we’d need to cancel all previous events except the first and the last ones.

Buttons! We’ve been neglecting buttons!

Handling stream losses

One of the key cases of our application is to handle data interactions properly. E.g. if we have a form or a button that updates an entity, we wouldn’t want to send the same request to the server twice, as it could lead to all sorts of errors.

Let’s write a simple method that will emulate deleting an entity or return an error if it has been already deleted.

And let’s try using the switchMap() operator for starters:


As you see, we’re getting an error when we try to send two identical deletion requests. That’s because the second request is overriding the first one. Let’s fix it by using the exhaustMap() operator.


exhaustMap() processes the new stream only when it’s not busy with another one. I.e. if it’s already processing a stream the moment it receives a new message, the new stream will be ignored and will never get processed.


Now we only remove the entity once and don’t get any more errors!

Let’s sum it up, shall we?

Today we’ve talked about subscriptions and unsubscribing, touched upon the topic of Higher Order Observables, taught our store to deal with events and to skip repeated actions that can lead to errors. What is the moral here?

Do not manually subscribe! Unless you really have to.

And if you did, don’t forget to unsubscribe, whether we’re talking about HttpClient or not.

In most cases use Higher Order Observables. Use AsyncPipe in your component’s template to create a final subscription. This will make your code lighter, and you won’t need to worry about ending subscriptions. You’ll be able to implement complex solutions in RxJS using much more readable declarative style.

Also note how each example has a link to rxviz.com in the screenshot description. You can conduct your own experiments there.

Oh, and most importantly, takeUntil() goes in the very end:

You can always reach me via Twitter.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter, GitHub, and Medium, 👏Clap Clap 👏 this story, and subscribe to Angular in Depth without takeUntil()!



🦊 Reactive Fox 🚀
Angular In Depth

⚡️ Making Fast faster 👩‍💻 Lead Software Engineer using @angular & @dotnet 🌱 Google Developer Expert for Angular ✍ Tech Writer for @AngularInDepth 🦊 he/him