Letter from a fella developer

Fer Ayguavives
Angular Playground
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2021


Photo by Dimitri Houtteman on Unsplash

As a self-taught developer, I own a big part of my learning to Internet resources. Since the mid-90s, I expended countless hours devouring tutorials, that helped me built awesome ideas and stay motivated.
I want to say thanks to all those Internet heroes. The passionate developers, the critical thinkers, the tech-explorers, and the learners sharing their path. Thanks to all of you who provide high-quality content that nurtures thousands of careers, including mine.

This is my humble attempt to do my bit and return some value.

The mission: To see the forest for the trees

With expertise comes the dialect, the technical speaking full of concepts that may become a bit opaque. Somewhere along the path, we tend to forget that everyone started with a Hello World.

It takes time to throw away the smart-ass speech, and understand that when we are trying to reach others, the simple is better.

The expert isn´t the one that talks most technical, but the one that is able to translate a hard concept to simple words related to the reader experience.



Fer Ayguavives
Angular Playground

Coffee lover. Psychologist. Nerdy Front-End Developer since the 56-Kbps days. Javascript & Angular enthusiast. | Writer at Angular Playground