💉 Shot #2: How to select Component or Directive in Angular template

Nikita Poltoratsky
Angular Shots
Published in
1 min readApr 21, 2019


There are a lot of use cases when you need to get a reference of a Component or Directive in Angular template to modify the entity properties or call it’s APIs.

Let’s assume we have a directive and component where directive applied:

Step 1: Use @ViewChild to select instance of the Directive

With the magic of property decorator @ViewChild, we can ask Angular to inject a reference to the MyDirective in a property of our choice:

Step 2: Use the reference

The reference will be available in the ngAfterViewInit hook, since we need to wait until the template is actually rendered to obtain the reference.


And here is the final shot ready for injection:

Useful Links

  1. @ViewChild property decorator

Related Shots

  1. How to select an element in Angular template



Nikita Poltoratsky
Angular Shots

Developer Advocate at Akveo · Tech Author · Nebular and Ngx-Admin team · Minsk, Belarus