💉 Shot #6: How to apply multiple *ngIf/*ngFor statements to an element

Dmitry Nehaychik
Angular Shots
Published in
1 min readApr 25, 2019


Have you ever been in a situation when you need to apply *ngFor and *ngIf to a single element? If yes, then you should know that this is unfortunately not possible in Angular.

Let’s imagine that we need to render a list of product names, but should exclude products that are out of stock:

In this case, we are adding additional span element, since we cannot have two structural directives at the same element.


Fortunately, Angular provides us with a special kind of element, called <ng-container>. It won’t be rendered into the resulting DOM, allowing us to group elements together to apply structural directives to them:

This is especially useful, in a case we cannot have additional elements, for example, rendering <option> elements inside of <select> element:

Useful Links

  1. Grouping Elements with ng-container



Dmitry Nehaychik
Angular Shots

Nebular team at @akveo_inc. Products engineering addict.