đź’‰ Shot #7: How to implement custom form control in Angular

Nikita Poltoratsky
Angular Shots
Published in
1 min readMay 2, 2019


If we want to use Angular forms bindings with custom form controls we need to implement ControlValueAccessor interface.

Let’s assume we have a button with a counter that increments each time the user clicks on it.

And we need the ability to use it with the Angular forms API like so

<counter-button [formControlName]="counter"></counter-button>

Step 1: Implement ControlValueAccessor interface

First of all, we need to implement ControlValueAccessor interface.

Step 2: Implement writeValue

writeValue(obj: any): void is the method which writes value from the data model to our custom control.

Step 3: Implement registerOnChange

registerOnChange(fn: any): void registers the callback that has to be called to propagate changes back to the model. And then we call registerOnChange when change data model internally in the inc function.

Step 4: Skip registerOnTouched

registerOnTouched(fn: any): void registers the function that has to be called when custom control was touched. In our case we don’t need registerOnTouched, so, let’s skip it. For more information, check the link at the end of the article.

Step 5: Register ControlValueAccessor

The final step we need to perform is to register CounterButton as a NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR.


Here is the final shot ready for usage

Useful Links

  1. ControlValueAccessor— https://angular.io/api/forms/ControlValueAccessor



Nikita Poltoratsky
Angular Shots

Developer Advocate at Akveo · Tech Author · Nebular and Ngx-Admin team · Minsk, Belarus