Issue 2

Lazy loading, upgrading AngularJS, NgDoc, and more!

Karson Braaten
Angular Times
2 min readMay 7, 2017


credit @samuelzeller


Custom Preloading and Lazy Loading Strategies

Angular provides us with plenty of ways to optimize the speed and performance of our apps. While the techniques may sound complex, the their implementation is actually quite simple. Cory Rylan demonstrates how easy it is to implement lazy loading, as well as insights into the performance gains you can expect from it.

Upgrade Shell

As Angular matures we are starting to see more strategies for converting existing apps over to it. Victor Savkin describes how to use Angular’s experimental UpgradeModule class to begin the conversion of your AngularJS application to Angular. While not mentioned in the article, it appears the UpgradeModule also supports AoT compilation.


The Unofficial Angular Docs is an encyclopedia of community-created Angular content. It may only be in it’s infancy, but the site already has an excellent collection of Angular articles for almost any topic you can think of. The tagging and filtering system works great for digging into areas of interest. This is a really exciting project and I can’t wait to see how it grows. You can hear Joe Eames and Alyssa Nicoll (the team behind NgDoc) discuss it on this weeks’ Adventures in Angular podcast.


NativeScript 3.0

I haven’t experimented with NativeScript at all yet, but maybe the 3.0 release is a good excuse to dive in? The NativeScript team will be providing a free webinar on May 17th to discuss the release and future plans. Spots are still open, you can register here to attend!


TypeScript 2.3

A release that is highlighted by generator and async generator support, generic parameter defaults, and better language server plugin support. I can’t wait to see what development tools come from this.


Readability Matters More Than Correctness

❤️. This is a beautiful post that I will read over, and over, and over again. Well done Keith Rarick.

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