— Establishing Your Team’s Subdomain

Hanyu Xiao
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2018

We are pleased to announce our holiday gift for open source Angular projects: You can now set up your own subdomain on

What is is a registry of open source Angular projects. Using AngularDoc’s static analysis engine, we processed almost 9000 Angular related public repositories on GitHub, and made them searchable and browse-able on

Angular repository browser

After you log in using your GitHub account, you will be able to bookmark and/or rate the repositories. Most importantly, you can navigate to “My Organizations” and click on “Claim Domain” to set up your own subdomain (you’ll need to be the owner of the organization to do so):

One-click setup of your team’s subdomain

Once you have your subdomain, you can click on the “View” button to navigate to the new URL “<organization>” (e.g. “” for our demo organization “AngularDoc-Showcases”). All your public repositories will be listed there, and you can “deploy” the Angular repositories, i.e. have AngularDoc analyze them and show you the results.

Subdomain’s dashboard

What can you do with the subdomain

First of all, it’s cool to have your own subdomain, don’t you think? However, that’s far from the only benefit. By authorizing to access and add a webhook to your repository, you can ensure that the architectural information that you see on the subdomain will always be in sync with your commits.

Here are a few important features that are available:

Angular component timeline: You get to step through the commits and tags of your repo and see how the Angular components evolved. You can also click on the “Screenshot” button to capture the information for the selected commit or tag.

Angular component timeline

Commit history: You can view the commits by the committers and the time span.

Commit history

Component history: You can view the commit history by the components instead of the committers. You can filter the history by the committer name, component name, and time span.

Component history

NgRx explorer: We can identify the NgRx artifacts, such as the stores, reducers, actions, selectors, and effects, in your project if there are any, and show them to you in nice visualizations.

To summarize, we hope that these features on the subdomains are helpful for you and your team. Best of all, they are freely available for all public repositories, and I strongly encourage you to set up yours and let us know your experience. We are planning to roll out an equivalent SaaS service for the private repositories shortly. Please follow us on Twitter @angulardocio to be notified of the releases and updates.



Hanyu Xiao

Founder of AngularDoc. A technologist who loves building developer tools. Husband and proud father of two beautiful children.