Alejandro Cuba RuizInterviews in Big Tech with Manuela CastrillónSummary of episode #55 of the Angularidades podcastDec 2Dec 2
Alejandro Cuba RuizUpgrading to Angular 19 with Jorge CanoSummary of episode #54 of the Angularidades podcastNov 18Nov 18
Alejandro Cuba RuizPreparing for the Future of AI and Cloud Computing with Camila AlonsoSummary of episode #53 of the Angularidades podcastNov 11Nov 11
Alejandro Cuba RuizChrome DevTools with Leonidas EstebanSummary of episode #52 of the Angularidades podcastNov 4Nov 4
Alejandro Cuba RuizMigrating to the USA as a Frontend Developer with Abdón RodríguezSummary of episode #51 of the Angularidades podcastSep 3Sep 3
Alejandro Cuba RuizFirebase and Angular with Tomás PiaggioSummary of episode #50 of the Angularidades podcastAug 19Aug 19
Alejandro Cuba RuizAngular Hispano with Ricardo ChavarríaSummary of episode #49 of the Angularidades podcastAug 12Aug 12
Alejandro Cuba RuizExamining the CI/CD process with Alejandro Pérez MalagónSummary of episode #48 of the Angularidades podcastAug 5Aug 5
Alejandro Cuba RuizOptimizing GenAI Performance from the Front-end layer with Lesly SandraSummary of episode #47 of the Angularidades podcastJul 29Jul 29
Alejandro Cuba RuizChoosing the Right Tools for Software Development with Tim HooverSummary of episode #46 of the Angularidades podcastJul 1Jul 1