Monorepos with Sergio León

Summary of episode #42 of the Angularidades podcast

Alejandro Cuba Ruiz


Listen to the entire conversation in Spanish with Sergio León on Spotify, YouTube, and other podcast platforms.

Episode #42 on YouTube

In this episode, we welcome Sergio León, a telecom engineer originally from Havana, Cuba, now living in Miami. He shares his extensive experience in software engineering, focusing on insights into version-control systems.

Sergio is the CTO and co-founder of two companies:

  • Chat HQ, which helps Digital Marketing Agencies and SaaS Startups generate more customers, skyrocket customer satisfaction, and simplify customer support with dynamic engagement technology.
  • 1NationUp, a branding and design agency based in Miami.

We started exploring the concept of monorepos, repositories that consolidate multiple related software projects in a single location. Sergio explains how this approach streamlines development by centralizing code management, reducing cognitive load, and fostering better collaboration. He underscores that as software projects increase in complexity, managing separate repositories for each component becomes burdensome, thus making monorepos a more efficient and effective solution in many scenarios.

Topics covered

  1. Definition of monorepos
  2. Importance of modularity and decoupling in a codebase
  3. Challenges and obstacles of working with monorepos
  4. Recommendations for trying monorepo tooling
  5. When not to adopt the monorepo strategy
  6. Monolithic applications and separate repositories
  7. Monorepo DX in the team
  8. Management of restrictions and visibility in a monorepo
  9. Tools and practices for maintaining code quality
  10. Future trends and convergence in the JavaScript ecosystem

The discussion highlights the benefits of monorepos, such as improved developer experience, easier automation, and the ability to enforce consistency across projects. Sergio also shares his criteria for selecting monorepo tools: they must enhance developer experience, support popular technologies to facilitate talent acquisition, and be easily extensible.

Alejandro and Sergio briefly explore several tools used for monorepo management, including Nx, Lerna, and TurboRepo. Sergio notes the importance of tools that do not require significant changes in development practices and highlights TurboRepo for its performance and gradual adoption capabilities.

Despite the advantages, they acknowledge the challenges associated with monorepos, such as managing access control and the complexity of large-scale implementations. Sergio shares practical strategies for maintaining code quality and security in a growing monorepo, including the use of tools like Prettier, ESLint, and GitHub features like code owners and branch protection.

They also discuss the evolution of front-end frameworks and the convergence of various technologies, predicting that monorepo practices will become ubiquitous in the industry. Sergio advises listeners to avoid tribalism in technology choices and to remain open to learning from different approaches.

The episode wraps up with a mutual appreciation of the ongoing advancements in the JavaScript ecosystem, particularly in tooling and JS frameworks.


  • The monorepo strategy can significantly optimize DX and reduce errors when managing interrelated projects.
  • When choosing a tool to manage a monorepo, it is important to consider developer experience, the popularity of the technology, and the tool’s ease of extension. Testing different tools and finding the best fit for the team is essential.
  • Large companies such as Google and Microsoft have successfully implemented monorepos to manage complex codebases efficiently.
  • Adopting monorepos can be challenging for those without prior experience or for teams transitioning from different version-control paradigms.
  • For monolithic applications, continue using separate repositories can be more convenient.
  • Providing a good developer experience to team members increases productivity and results in better products for customers.
  • In scenarios involving a large number of team members, including contractors and sensitive data, maintaining separate repositories might be necessary to manage access and protect intellectual property.
  • The JavaScript ecosystem is converging on common practices that enhance DX and project scalability.

Stay tuned and check out who is getting interviewed for future episode releases at or LinkedIn.

Screenshot of episode #42



Alejandro Cuba Ruiz

<front-end web engineer />, Angular GDE, traveler, reader, writer, human being.