10 Different Types of Web App Development

Angular Minds
Angular Minds
Published in
8 min readOct 13, 2020
types of Web Applications Development

Over the years the usage of smartphones has significantly increased as compared to that of the web. However in businesses online web experience plays a vital role. The introduction of new web app technologies has come up to meet the requirements and needs for online web experience. Web applications are application software that are stored on a server and can be accessed from any browser like Google sheet that can be accessed from any web browser. The development of Web applications isn’t restricted to cell phones or tablets; rather this kind of utilization is intended to run on any browser, on fixed PCs, or cell phones. These web applications are robust, scalable, and reliable as compared to a website.

Here in this blog, we will classify and discuss the 10 different types of web applications development. We will classify them based on how web apps work and the content they accept. In general, a web application can be divided into two broad groups: Static and Dynamic.

Types of Web Applications Development.

Static Web Applications

This is one of the types of web application development which delivers directly to an end user’s browser is commonly known as the Static Web Application. If you choose to create a static web application, the principal thing to know is that this type of web application shows almost no content like server-side alteration of the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript content and is not particularly flexible. While this can envelop very flat, unchanging sites like a corporate site, static web applications for the most part allude to rich sites that utilize technologies in the program rather than on the server to convey dynamic content.

Static Web Applications are generally evolved in HTML and CSS however these are by all accounts not the only stages to build up the static application; you can utilize jQuery and Ajax according to your own comfort. You can likewise incorporate or show enlivened items, for example, pennants, GIFs, recordings, and so forth in the static application handily. Unfortunately, modifying the content of static web applications isn’t simple. To do this, you initially need to download the HTML code, at that point adjust it lastly and send it back to the server. These progressions must be made by the website admin or advancement organization that arranged and planned the primary Application.

Static applications are recognized from different sorts of the web by the effortlessness and simplicity of development. This reality prompts resoluteness — on the off chance that you need something to be changed or improved you ought to adjust the underlying code. They aren’t well-suited for a mobile environment because the excessive amount of data that they send and receive can count to poor performances. While Static web pages are often difficult to maintain, they can be a hands-on choice when very concise information is shared and interaction isn’t necessary.

Dynamic Web Applications

Any powerful dynamic web application depends on a structure — a web application programming that controls site page development and encourages support and maintenance. The way such web applications are shown on a client’s screen isn’t predetermined but rather dynamically shaped by app logic that is actualized on the server-side or the customer side of the application.

Dynamic web applications are substantially more intricate and complex on a technical level. They use databases for information stacking and its content is refreshed each time the client gets to them. They generally have an organization board and administration panel (called CMS), where administrators can address or alter application content, regardless of whether text or pictures.

Dynamic Web applications coordinate with a wide range of web applications. Out of all the Different programming languages, PHP and ASP are the most well-known languages that are utilized f since they permit the organizing of content. All things considered, it has a ton of points of interest including simple updating of the content as compared with the Static Web. The usefulness of database and Content Management Systems lets you read, make, refresh, and erase data.

Dynamic web applications are further divided into other different types of web applications development. Let’s have a look at them.

Single-Page Applications

Single-page applications empower clients to communicate with the website page with no hindrance. requests and responses take place effectively because of limited quantities of information. Quickly, SPAs are faster as contrasted to the conventional web applications as they perform logic on the internet browser rather than the server. SPA s are easy to develop, debug, and deploy which makes it smooth and fast.

Because of the logic’s customer side, execution SPAs figured out how to satisfy and keep up with the promise of its name. They undoubtedly let clients freely interact with a web application from a single page. In addition, the interaction and connection much swifter, as requests and responses impart in modest quantities of information and happen almost instantly.

Typically, any single-page applications can be updated according to the needs later in the future. However, because of universal URLs, single-page apps aren’t very compatible with SEO regulations. This is why this type of web application is not suitable for eCommerce. However, Social networks, e-mail services, online video/audio players, however, can benefit from single web applications and their agility.

Examples: Gmail, Google, Trello, Google Maps, Twitter etc.

Multi-Page Applications

Multi-page apps function in the same way as traditional web applications do, where the app reloads and shows another page from the server in the program whenever clients play out another activity. In Multiple web applications, the logic is put away and stored at the backend, which reverts the requests from the clients back to the server.

The way toward creating pages on the server, sending it to the customer, and introducing them on the browser hurts UI. This can be settled by using AJAX innovation, which rolls out sudden changes without a complete page reload. If multi- page applications are planned thinking about responsiveness, they can gel up well with the mobile environment.

MPAs are built with the use of different languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, etc. They have a much better chance of ranking for diff keywords as it follows SEOs regulations and every single page is optimized for keywords. MPAs are known for their scalability With no page limitations and a load of information about products or services. However, they take longer to develop as compared to SPAs and are difficult to maintain and update.

Examples: Online Stores, Marketplaces, Catalogs, web portals, catalogs, Enterprise Web Applications.

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Rich Internet Apps

Rich Internet Applications is one of the types of web application development that primarily have a few functionalities of desktop applications but is faster and more engaging with better data communication. RIAs are acquainted with resolving browser restrictions, and they rely upon customer side plugins, for example, Flash, Shockwave, and Silverlight. These applications are built using tools that run efficiently as well as are very engaging. Besides, they give eye-catching user-experience and high-intuitiveness as compared to the traditional program applications.

The two main issues with the RIA’s are inconveniences and vulnerability they shape. For example, assume the plugin is obsolete, at that point a few pieces of the application or the whole application won’t work accurately. These applications can even be used offline. Technologies used to build RIA’s include: AJAX, Java, JavaFX, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, and Adobe Integrated Runtime(AIR), Google gears, Microsoft Silverlight,Curl.

Examples: Google maps, Google, Youtube.

JavaScript Powered Web Apps

With the emergence of front-end JavaScript frameworks such as Angular.js, React.js, Meteor, and Ember Node.js, etc. there has been a shift in the web-app logic from server-side to the client-side that allows for even better flexibility and higher adaptability than occasionally embedded AJAX.

Client-side logic has begun to perform the server-side’s tasks of processing and handling user requests and rendering the responses. These web applications that are created with JavaScript frameworks perform well, offer various levels of user interaction, and are search engine optimized.

Examples: Business-Centric Web Applications, Client-Portals, etc.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

PWAs are one of the most well-developed types of web applications that look similar to a mobile application. Users get to the whole data and all the features that improve performance and mobile adaptability of the web application utilizing any of the mobile browsers.

PWA is known to be the modified version of the SPA and it holds the point true in practice.

The main purpose of PWAs is to not apply new rules in architecture but to enhance the speed and flexibility of web applications despite slow/bad internet connection. The key enhancements are Cashing, better data transfer over HTTP/2, and home screen installation.

Examples: Starbucks, Forbes, OLX, MakeMyTrip, etc.

Content Management Systems

The concept of Content Management Systems has become a mandate when we talk about the different types of web applications development. A content management system software creates, manages, and modifies content on a website that doesn’t need any technical knowledge of web programming or markup languages. CMS are known for their usage in personal blogs, corporate blogs, media sources etc. some of the common content management systems are:

WordPress: This is ideally used for blogging and is widely popular among individuals and professionals for an intuitive interface and the amount of available online tutorials.

Joomla: it is an open-source CMS platform with an intuitive interface that helps users in creating, managing, and modifying content on a website and blogs. It doesn’t have a big community like WordPress.

Drupal: it is a free CMS with an adaptable interface used for building up communities. It is popular among individuals for personal blogs. news pages, articles, media, corporate blogs, professional blogs etc.

Examples: WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

eCommerce Web Apps

It is a web application that can be used to port a store to the web to increase sales. These types of web applications include e-shops along with booking systems. Integration of Electronic payment methods, handling transactions, orders, user-friendly interface, posting and deleting items is what makes these types of web applications complex and intricate and difficult to maintain. An effective management panel is required to be coded into the website by a developer to look after these eCommerce web applications.

Examples: Swiggy, Zomato, Freshmenu

Portal web apps

Portal web apps are one of the types of web applications that allows access to various categories on the home page. Portals are best suited for businesses and enterprises where you could create your personal profile, include various details such as chats, emails, forums to publish content, user registration, financial transactions etc. The content of the portal can be accessed only by the members of that portal. Whenever a user signs in, the service provider will be able to track the user’s website activity. However, certain features could be restricted for certain users to maintain their integrity. The languages that are used in the Web portals are almost similar to certain other web development services.

Examples: Government Portals, Student & Faculty Portals, Employee Portals, Insurance, and Online Banking Portals, Education University Portals, Patient Portals, etc.


It is difficult for one web app to suit every organizational need. Different types of web application development suitable and appropriate for different types of organizations. Hence it is crucial to evaluate your needs and choose wisely for any type of web application development. The selected type should be based on your target audience’s needs and your future goals. The article can help you guide through the selection process. If you are not able to find a suitable web application you can always contact a trusted and experienced web app development company to help you with the same.



Angular Minds
Angular Minds

Angular Minds is leading offshore IT Software Company for having expertise in Web, Mobile & Cloud technologies. #Angular #ReactJS visit: www.angularminds.com