Grounded BA aircraft at Bournemouth awaiting better days.

Coronavirus Impact Survey

How the Coronavirus recession is impacting startups in Europe and Israel — and how they are responding

Gil Dibner
Angular Ventures
Published in
1 min readMay 5, 2020


When the Coronavirus crisis first emerged, we moved rapidly to help our portfolio founders ensure that they were best positioned to weather the storm. (Previously, we open-sourced the letter we sent to them.) Fortunately, most of our portfolio is in a relatively strong position, with enough cash and runway to maneuver until the worst of the crisis has passed.

Today — in an effort to support the broader community of early-stage founders — we’re releasing some data we’ve gathered from a broad group of founders outside of our portfolio: a survey of the impact of Coronavirus on startups around the world.

We surveyed 128 founders — primarily in Europe, Israel, and the United States — about how the Coronavirus has impacted businesses and how they are responding. This is the result of that work.

You can view and download a hi-res version of the PDF from docsend, or view a low-res version below.



Gil Dibner
Angular Ventures

A global venture investor. Fascinated by the finance of innovation. Trying to help the few to do the impossible. Investing across Europe + Israel.