Researching the Coronavirus’ Impact on European and Israeli Startups

Anne Augusta Blum
Angular Ventures
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2020


The coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly changed our world. Within a few months, society has been completely upended as a result of the virus and the attempts to curb its spread. While this story is still being written and it’s impossible to know exactly how the situation will unfold, it’s evident that virtually every company will be impacted by the pandemic — including startups. How has the pandemic affected startups thus far? And how have startups responded to this novel situation?

In an effort to support the European and Israeli startup community, Angular Ventures is researching these important questions. We are conducting a short anonymous survey on the effects of the pandemic and how startups are reacting. We encourage founders and senior executives of European and Israeli startups to complete the survey. The resulting research will be shared with all survey respondents and the broader startup community. All data will be anonymized and shared only in aggregate.

The startup ecosystem needs support now more than ever. For many startups, this period will determine their fate. Sharing the collective startups’ experiences with the community will hopefully equip founders with additional knowledge to support data-driven decisions.

Thank you to all who participate in our research. We really appreciate your time and we will share the results with you as soon as they are ready. On behalf of Angular Ventures, I wish the best for you, your loved ones, and your startup during this difficult time.

(please click here for the survey)

