Venture Data: A review of VC in Europe & Israel in 2016

Gil Dibner
Angular Ventures
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2017

Yesterday, I published a few thoughts on Enterprise Tech in 2016 (you can check them out here).

Today, I’m happy to release a data-driven review of VC investment trends in Europe and Israel in 2016. I’ve tried to put some new and useful data points into the deck, so let me know what you think of the new stuff. And please let me know what else you think I should be tracking and showing in the deck next time.

Some key highlights:

  • Overall, investment volume was up in 4Q, but still below 2Q’s record high
  • Total VC investment volume into Europe and Israel in 2016 was $14.5B, up from $12.1B in 2015, an increase of 20%
  • There were six mega-deals (over $100M) in 4Q, and 15 in total in 2016
  • Excluding the megadeals, investment volume declined in 4Q, the second quarterly decline in a row
  • Israel saw more VC investment activity than any other country in Europe with $3.9B in 2016. The UK and Germany were next with $3.0B and $2.3B, respectively
  • US VCs invested in around 11% of European/Israeli venture rounds. Israel, the UK, and Germany led in terms of US VC participation
  • Fintech was the most frequently funded vertical, with 178 investments. Marketing was second with 109
  • The categories that showed the most growth in frequency from 2015 to 2016 were Imaging (+400%), Agtech (+475%), and Automotive (+1100%)

You’ll find all that and more in the 61-page report, so download it here or view it on Slideshare below. You can also check out data for 3Q16, 2Q16, 1Q16, 4Q15, 3Q15, 2Q15, 1Q15, 4Q14, or 3Q14.

As always, I welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. Please let me know if there are additional slices of data you think I should add into the report.

A few slides from the deck are below, followed by a link to the full 61 pages:

A cheat sheet to European/Israeli venture if you are really short on time

If you like this sort of data and analysis, please consider subscribing to this blog.

My AngelList syndicate to back the best in European & Israeli enterprise companies is now one of the largest syndicates based outside the US. We are now at well over $1M in backing per deal.

The syndicate has made five investments so far: all oversubscribed and all with quality co-investors. I’d be honored if you’d consider backing the syndicate — you’ll be in pretty good company and there are quite a few awesome companies in the pipeline…

You can download the deck from this link or view it below:



Gil Dibner
Angular Ventures

A global venture investor. Fascinated by the finance of innovation. Trying to help the few to do the impossible. Investing across Europe + Israel.