A simple trick you need for dynamic ContentChildren

Alexander Inkin


Developing OnPush components that operate with content children might be tricky. Let’s consider the following example. We have a tabs component and we want to give user full control of those tabs. So we make a wrapping component and allow defining tabs in its content. We also want to be able to arrange them differently. Maybe we have a separator template, or we hide extra tabs into «More» dropdown.

Tabs hiding extra items from Taiga UI

To do so we must use templates or structural directives. We access them with @ContentChildren query inside our wrapper. Then we instantiate templates the way we need. But what if the list of tabs can change? Take a look at the example below. Logging in adds another tab — «Profile». Try hitting that button and see what happens:

The issue stems from the fact that content belongs to the parent view lifecycle. Even though it is inside our wrapper component and it changed — OnPush change detection of the wrapper…



Alexander Inkin

Passionate Angular dev, musician and OSS author 🌲 taiga-ui.dev ··· 🎹 jamigo.app