RxJS Challenge #02: Creating a page visibility stream

Roman Sedov


Yesterday we have been solving the first RxJS Challenge by Alex Inkin. And today is my turn!

The challenge is to write a page visibility RxJS stream and log in console when it emits. And there is also an additional interesting task for Angular developers: make a solution a global Injection Token.

Here you can try to solve it yourself first.

Let’s write a stream

First of all, let’s visit Page Visibility API docs on MDN. Now we see that there are visibilitychange event and visibilityState field on Document.

Let’s organize it into one RxJS stream:

So, we use fromEvent that listens to visibilitychange event. After each change, the pipe transforms the stream to boolean answering a question: Is visibilityState not hidden?

It is also possible to use document.hidden field and visibilityState === 'visible' comparison. But the first one is deprecated and the second one will exclude stages prerender and unloaded that can be also…

