Reconciliation with Solitude

Anbarasi U
Published in
1 min readJun 11, 2011

To discover heaven on earth, all I had to do was to crouch towards the ground. And absolute surprise it was to me! The dwarf parapet walls shielded the spot from every noise from the busy road beneath, except for occasional muffled horns and every other sound seemed to be stealthily seeping in from another detached world. And what about the view it had to offer! Only a few feet of concrete outgrowths abruptly ending at a short notice into the sky — an absolutely calm and blank stare facing me straight from the west, betraying some gentle emotion with a blurred half — smiling moon and tiny twinkles, as I shifted my gaze upward. A star might have easily dropped in between my jaws open with awe. The moon reminded me oddly of a little baby posing cheeks and chins smudged with cerelac grinning toothlessly. Solitude is as joyful as being surrounded with the loved society, sometimes. And some time has lapsed between my last solitude craving. Only the wind was a little harsh in lashing out at my eyeballs to aggravate the lacrimal glands.



Anbarasi U

Temporarily out of Randomness, to put down in bio.