Anna’s Journey To Meet Her Animal Guide

Animal Guides
Animal Guides
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2021
Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

It was the late 90s, in middle Tennessee, and I sat at my kitchen table. My 7-year-old self was finishing some math homework, when, suddenly, THUD! I looked up just in time to see a tiny emerald green hummingbird dropping to the dirt. My heart fell just as quickly, and my feet ran outside. I kneeled, and instinctively pressed tiny index finger rhythms into the little bird’s chest. Not 20 seconds later, this hummingbird buzzed back to life and whirred away! It wasn’t until many years later that I realized this special bird had found me + chosen to be my animal guide.

I remember my fascination with and connection to animals as far back as any memory I have. The time I saved our beloved family dog Jack from choking. The wounded robin we took in, or the injured fawn I found at 5 in the morning when something deep within me heard her helpless cries.

What I didn’t understand at the time is that these experiences were not happenstance; these animals carried a message for myself and those around me. I just didn’t know what they were saying! So, as I eventually awakened, later in life to the thread of spirit that weaves through us all, and as I developed my intuitive faculties, I started to listen. And what I heard was the roar of a tiger.

It was a hot summer day, and I was lounging in the pool in the middle of East Los Angeles. I heard, clear as day, the distinct roar of a tiger. I whipped around. My first thought, someone is watching a TV show. The volume is up, and that’s what I heard. Again, a roar. Again, I looked around. Nothing. Just me. The volume was up…on my inner channel to spirit. It hit me — this was a sound that no one else could hear. That’s because it was coming from within!

When I sensed its message, I felt power. Heat. Passion. During this time, I was awakening to my true purpose and taking big tiger-sized leaps to make my dreams become a reality. This tiger roar came to let me know You’re on the right track! It might feel crazy now, and that’s okay. Keep leaping!

Shortly after this channel opened up (or rather, I learned how to tune into it & crank up the volume), a friend showed me the animal Medicine Cards, a beautiful book and deck by Jamie Sams. The first card I ever pulled was the horse — who also represents power, freedom, awakening. The signs were too many, and before I knew it, I was seeing them everywhere. A butterfly right outside my car window….on the freeway. A hawk swooping down in the middle of the day in a Beverly Hills backyard. I could recount each bizarre instance, each animal card pull, but I’ll save that for another time.

I started working with the cards daily. I studied every book I could find on interpreting animal communication, totems, and spirit animals. What I found amongst all the incredible literature was endless wisdom AND a lack of distinctly modern + digestible writings. Following the breadcrumbs and listening to my heart lead me here. I knew it was time to contribute these messages, and spirit brought me the perfect people to support. The first is Lyssa, a private student of mine who is the incredibly gifted artist behind the animal guides. From our first meeting, her deep connection to animals was present, and they supported our healing work together. It has been such a gift to me to see that as we worked together, she continued to lean into her art and bring her dharma to the world. The other is John, a meditation student of mine who is technologically savvy and a brilliant creative as well. Without them, none of this would be possible, and I am forever grateful to both of them for believing in and showing up for the magic of animal guides.

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