Meet Your Animal Guide

Animal Guides
Animal Guides
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2021
Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash

Animal guides are the simple, powerful lessons of the animal world translated to our modern language. They connect us to ourselves & the natural realm by sharing wisdom through dreams, images, real-life encounters, + these cards. Animals give us a chance to surrender our ego + listen from a space of curiosity. They lead us further from separation & closer to Oneness.

Our wish is that these messages strengthen your connection to spirit, earth, + all its inhabitants — that you can start to see aspects of your spirit and the unique lessons to guide you illuminated in the small and mighty ant, the soaring hawk, the wild horse, and more.

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How The Animal Guides Work

The animal guides are designed to be simple and clear. Each animal has a few keywords to ground you, as well as 1 or 2 simple mantras you can repeat to connect with the spirit of each animal. These mantras can be reminders in your phone, or on your bathroom mirror, or the dashboard of your car. The spirit message is a channeled guidance from the heart of each animal. Notice what you notice. If a friend reads your passage, see what phrase sticks in your mind. What’s far more telling than the message is your response and reaction to the message. Lastly, to integrate the wisdom, each animal has an associated ritual. Each ritual is designed to be accessible, done almost anywhere, anytime. At most, you may need a journal or something to write with, but even if you don’t have that, you can always mentally walk through the exercise. My suggestion is to integrate the ritual as soon as possible, as best you can, after your reading or card pull, or when an animal appears to you in life or dream state. If you cannot, remember that getting to animal guides is just like befriending an animal. It takes time to get to know them and for them to warm up to you.

Connecting Deeper With Your Animal Guide

You may notice after a few weeks that you start to pull the same card many times in a row. I remember the first time I drew the hummingbird 4 times in a row. To this day, it is the card I have pulled the most, and thus, I connect to it as my primary guide. It is worth mentioning that long before I ever had the animal cards, the hummingbird found me. This is the animal that has always been with you, and will always be with you, guiding your spirit along your unique pathway in this lifetime. Consider you can get to know this animal just like any other animal, but in your heart. Connect to this animal in meditation, and treat it as though you were in the jungle with it. Consider it a manifestation of your own intuition, not something separate from you. Remember, animals bring us closer to Oneness.

Ask yourself how your animal guide is linked to others. Is your prey or predator? What does it hunt? Where does it live? All of these details can support you in connecting on a deeper level with your animal guide and understanding ways of being that can be conducive for you to adopt, in your own way. Two important notes here. Firstly, if you are connecting with the animal spirit world, you must honor the animal world in the physical realm. Use this as an opportunity to educate yourself on how you can reduce your negative impact on the natural world, and GIVE BACK to earth as it has so freely and abundantly given to humankind of its resources since the beginning of time. Secondly, I am one person and one perspective on this topic. Above all else, I ask that you use this a tool support your spiritual growth and listen to your own intuition. When you notice an animal, what comes to mind? Get quiet and hear what’s there for you.

You can also connect with your animal guide by putting up pictures or paintings of it in your home, as your phone background, or on your clothing. You can practice moving like this animal, or working with its seasons and time of energy. If it is nocturnal, can you shift more of your creative work at nighttime? If this animal hibernates during the winter, how can you use that pattern to serve your growth?

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