The people behind the movement

Dulcie Ruttley-Dornan
Animal Rebellion
Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2020

Part two.

The Rebellion is coming! On the 1st September we will take to the streets once again to fight for animal and climate justice.

The UK may have announced the climate emergency, but their inaction speaks louder than words. Animal Rebellion are holding the Government accountable and will not wait until it is too late to save our planet and all human and non-human animals living on it. We must act now!

Our volunteers are at the core of our movement, ranging from school children, nurses, cleaners, scientists and grandparents. They get involved with anything from sign painting, flyer posting, designing actions, training and tech support. Meet some of our beautiful members who help keep Animal Rebellion to kick ass!

Meet Jose!

“Hi! I’m Jose. I live with my family in London and I am joining the rebellion because our food system is broken — it is destroying our health and our planet.

I joined Animal Rebellion because we are running out of time. The pandemic has revealed the inadequacies of our food system. A food system that is not sustainable because it puts the economic interests of large animal farming companies above anything else.⁠

⁠Our government needs to listen and support the transition to a plant-based system that cares about our health, our planet and the welfare of animals. ⁠

⁠Across the country people are coming together to take part in non-violent protest, demanding action to protect the health of our families and friends; to protect our planet and its wildlife, and protect the welfare of farm animals. ⁠

It is an exciting time to get involved!”⁠

Meet Harley!

“We’re living in a time where the status quo is crumbling. Although my voice and my role might be small, I know that by taking action right now, I’m joining millions of others around the world. It’s an incredible feeling of connecting with a movement of people who all want the same thing. A better world for all life.”

Meet Marina!⁠

“Looking back at this photo I never would have thought I would be where I am today. Volunteering full time, putting all of my energy into this movement and following my heart to a place where I am able to contribute as much as I can, to change these broken systems within our society. ⁠

I rebel because when I look at our food system I see how it exploits everything and everyone… from the workers who are forced to live on super trawlers, to our oceans which are polluted, dying and nearly empty. These systems that cause deforestation in the Amazon, destroy ecosystems and habitats, that violate the lands and rights of Indigenous peoples. Systems that massacres billions of land and sea animals each year, while exploiting human lives, destroying our planet, and obliterating our chance for a safe future.⁠

I joined the rebellion on my own in October, didn’t know a single person, but I was determined that this was the movement, the moment when I could be a part of something huge, something impactful and meaningful. ⁠

I urge anyone who wants to bring their energy, their determination, their fears for their own or their children’s future, to join us on September 1st, to demand better, to demand a just world, for all beings.” ⁠

Meet Simon!

“Hi there.

I’m Simon from Switzerland. I traveled solo by train from Bern to London the day before the start of the rebellion. Sunday evening I went for dinner and already crushed into some rebels from Animal Rebellion.

At the meeting in the park I got into an affinity group and got in touch with a guy from London, one from the US and one from Switzerland (French part) who’s living in the UK since long time. It was good to have this connection and I felt very welcome. One night I even got a great meal at the UK-guys home, had a shower and a good sleep in a comfy bed. :-)

Even after the rebellion the guy from the US visited me in Bern and we had a good time.”

Animal Rebellion welcomes people from all over, there is a place for everyone in this movement. If you would like to volunteer, please complete this short volunteer form.

Join the Rebellion on 1st September, see our Facebook event.

