The September Rebellion: We Want To Live.

Dulcie Ruttley-Dornan
Animal Rebellion
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2020

Time is Running Out. We Want to live! We’re scared and tired but guess what?


Credit: Sammi Drew

Animal Rebellion will join Extinction Rebellion on the 1st September to rebel for animal justice, climate justice, and human justice.

Governments around the world have declared a climate emergency. We need urgent action to tackle this crisis.

In October 2019, Animal Rebellion, Extinction Rebellion, and many others demanded that the UK Government declare a climate emergency and commit to making radical changes to prevent further global warming and mass biodiversity loss. AND WE SUCCEEDED! As a direct result of our actions, a climate emergency was declared.

The October Rebellion began at Smithfield Meat Market with thousands of people peacefully protesting for a just and sustainable future. Smithfield was transformed into a beautiful and colourful fruit and veg market to symbolise what a plant based future would look like. However, the UK continues to ignore the science and are failing to meet their environmental targets. The emergency was declared but radical action STILL hasn’t taken place.

Animal Rebellion’s demands:

We demand the UK Government take the urgent action that is necessary to save human and non-human animals and the planet.

  1. Tell the truth — about the impact that animal agriculture has on our planet
  2. Act now — we need urgent action to address the climate emergency and to restructure our whole food system to a plant-based food system that is just and sustainable
  3. Beyond politics — we want a binding citizens assembly to decide how best to transform our food system, to put power back into the hands of our people and upgrade our democracy

Rebel with us in September

This Rebellion, we need to go and disrupt where the decisions are made. The world can’t ignore the link between the animal emergency and the climate emergency any longer. The science is clear but those in power still refuse to act. That’s why, this time, we’re going straight to the top and bringing the animal and climate emergency to the halls of power.

Join us as we march from Smithfield Meat Market to the UK Parliament. From where Animal Rebellion started to where this destruction will end. Join us as we take to the streets to show our Government that we will not let their ignorance and greed destroy animals, people and our planet. We cannot let the UK Government ignore the animal emergency!

This march will only be the start. We are building up to something massive, with 10 full days of actions from the 1st of September to the 10th. Let’s show the UK Government that we’re not dead yet!

Want to get involved?

Ongoing roles range from content writing for our social media channels and tech support to planning actions and exploring your creativity with the arts and crafts team. Specific roles for the Rebellion from the 1st to 10th September include de-escalation officers, police liaison officers, stewards, well-being support, first aid, and much more.

Whether you are interested in getting involved with on the ground activities or supporting remotely, there is something to suit everyone. We are grateful for whatever time you can spare.

If you are interested please complete this short volunteer form.

