Treasured Animal October Writing Competition — Win a Free Pet Portrait

One for the winner, and one each for three publications of the winner’s choice

Nikki Waterson
Pets and Animals


Source: Paws for Giving © 2021

About Me

  • I’m an Aussie entrepreneur, writer, artist, animal rescue advocate and cop.
  • I’ve only been on Medium for a couple of months, and I love the community here.
  • I own Paws for Giving, the gift shop for good hoomans. I sell animal themed gifts in Australia, and digital pet portraits worldwide (yay internet), donating 50% profits to animal rescues
  • And I love animals

UPDATES — Follow me on Twitter for comp updates

This is me :) Source: Paws for Giving © 2021

The Competition


  • I’m building awareness for this publication Animal Rescue, which is a community I would love to see grow.
  • I want to give a fun and beautiful incentive to help remind those who haven’t felt passionately about writing for a while of that feeling to dig deep. Sometimes cash doesn’t mean much — unless it’s 10–50k but I can’t afford that prize sorry!

Why give prizes to other publications?

  • I want to show support for other publications and foster more collaboration between those publications.
  • To provide prizes so we can have more competitions in the community. Because it’s FUN!
  • To keep the chain going, so the enjoyment and excitement of this competition doesn’t end with the final entry date.
Source: Paws for Giving © 2021

The Details

Start and Finish

Articles must be published after the date of this article, and prior to 11.59pm 31/10/21 ACST.

That’s Adelaide, Australia time. Please make sure you check your time zones! If in doubt, here is a timer that will tell you the correct countdown time!


The Topic

Write a story using the topic ‘TREASURED ANIMAL’.

Source: Paws for Giving © 2021

Criteria to Enter

1. Become a writer for Animal Rescue

  • Submit your information VIA THIS KLAVIYO FORM
  • I will add you to the publication as a writer within 24–48 hours

2. Write your story, and add it to the publication. Confirm that it fits with this checklist

  • Length between 600–3000 words. All lengths will be equally eligible to win
  • Subscribe and Follow Animal Rescue the publication
  • Write a story using the topic ‘TREASURED ANIMAL’
  • Stories may be fiction or non-fiction but not poems.
  • Ensure all images (including your own) are attributed, otherwise they will not be published in Animal Rescue, until you attribute them. Notes will be left on all entries as to why they weren’t published or where changes are made
  • One entry per person
  • Tag with ‘Animal Rescue’ and ‘Treasured Animal’. 3 other tags are your own to choose.

3. Your story if it meets the competition criteria will be published with the other entries

  • All entries will be published in a new tab of Animal Rescue called Competition. You will find them there.
  • You may not edit your entry once submitted without requesting permission. Email me at with details of the changes you would like to make. This is to maintain the integrity of the competition.
Source: Paws for Giving © 2021

About the topic

  • You can interpret the topic ‘TREASURED ANIMAL’ as broadly or literally as you like. A special pet who meant a lot to you, or an endangered species you had an encounter with. As long as your story would generally be considered to fit within an interpretation of the topic, it is eligible. If in doubt, contact me.

Choosing a winner

  • A winner will be chosen by the competition owner, me Nikki, or where I am unable to do so, a person or persons will be nominated to take my place or assist me.
  • The winner will be chosen based on how effective each story is at the following criteria:
  1. Evocativeness (How much does the story draw out feelings, of any kind)
  2. Meaning and insight (Does this story tell us something unique that goes beyond the individual who wrote it?)
  3. Mastery of storytelling (How drawn in and embedded in the story are we — for whatever reason)

The Prize

  • The winner receives one digital pet portrait of up to 3 pets of their choice.
  • The winner chooses 3 different publications, and each receives one digital pet portrait of up to 3 pets. Ideally, these publications will use these portraits to help grow their publications through another competition each!
  • To see more of the pet portraits, take a look at the Paws for Giving Instagram and Facebook pages, or the website where the pet portraits live.
  • The prize will be announced in November 2021, depending on the number of entries, this may be subject to change.
Source: Paws for Giving © 2021

Eligibility and rules

  • No requirement to be a part of the partner program
  • Not publish anything that goes against Medium rules — ensure you are very familiar with them
  • Not disparage, bully, harass or behave in any other similar anti-social way towards anyone in the competition
  • Not express bigotry, hate speech, discrimination, abuse or any other anti-social behaviour on Medium
  • Not do anything else that the competition owner deems not appropriate — which the owner maintains full discretion to make these assessments on a case by case basis and act as they see fit
  • If a person is not eligible, they will be excluded, their entries removed and any prizes already offered to them will be rescinded

Don’t forget to follow on Twitter for ALL updates!

Good luck! I’m excited to see what you write, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Source: Paws for Giving © 2021

Nikki Waterson

Owns — Animal Rescue, Choose Your Own Adventure| Co-owns — Publication Station | Paws for Giving Pet Portraits donating 50% Profits | Cop | Passionate writer, artist and nerd

Say hello at

Like what I write? You can buy my a coffee here with zero expectations that we’ll have to date or anything. Win -win!

