A liberated mink writes a thank you letter

Until Every Cage is Empty

aleks cerulean
3 min readOct 16, 2013


In the past few weeks animal lovers have been breaking into mink farms and setting hundreds of minks free. One of the cute, little animals wrote a thank you letter to his liberator.

“I am writing this letter as a free mink. It is still hard to believe I no longer live in a cage. Few days ago, on an early morning, the humans came. It was earlier than usual, and these humans were different. They were dressed in black and wearing masks. We paid them little attention. Usually they give us food and water. But not these humans. They started opening the cages and setting us free. I could not believe my eyes. There was great excitement among my brothers and sisters as well.

When one of the humans opened my cage I rushed out without hesitation. I ran as fast as I could and never looked back. I wish I had stopped and thanked that human. He saved me from pain, stress and torture. He saved my life for if it was not her I would have either gone mad or died of a terrible infection or disease.

In the nature we are free, we run and swim and life feels great. But living in a tiny cage was very hard and depressing. Many of my brothers and sisters went insane. They ran in circles for hours, biting the metal bars of the cages or fighting each other. Many went as mad as hurting themselves. It was very sad. I saw my friends biting their paws and tails to the bone. They could not control themselves anymore. When someone got sick others also got sick. We are not used to living together in such small and crowded places and many of us died of infections and diseases.

Thank you for setting me free from this awful prison. I cannot describe how happy I felt when I saw the sun for the first time in my life. The green grass under my paws feels much nicer than the dirty, cold metal bars of the cage floor. I can run freely and I can rest when I get tired. Then I can run some more or take a nap in a burrow that I discovered the other day.

I hope that many other humans will have the courage to set free all my brothers and sisters who are locked up in such horrible places. Because no one deserves a life full of pain and suffering. With all my heart I thank you.”

