AI Automation Actually Creating Jobs?

Cyrus Abdo
Animal Spirits
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2023

With AI automation becoming more prevalent than ever in numerous industries, the public has a mostly unpleasant perception of it, as they believe it will replace many workers. However, that may not be the case. It is predicted that nearly 85 million jobs will be lost by 2025, while 97 million will be created in that same timeframe. There is no denying that the implementation of AI automation has and will continue to eliminate jobs. Nevertheless, a few indicators to back this report suggest it will create more jobs for people. So, what are the different ways AI automation can lead to job creation?

The pace for new job growth is slowing down in 2023. Positive numbers, even if declining from previous years, still result in the creation of jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, through October 2023, the monthly average dropped to 238,800, roughly 20,000 fewer jobs added per month than the year-to-date average through september. This allows the workers who lost their jobs to AI the opportunity to find new ones, as they can adapt to new roles. According to a McKinsey Global Institute Report, one-third of the jobs we have today did not even exist 25 years ago. So, as long as new job growth numbers remain positive, people will have opportunities.

Additionally, AI has made it feasible for new branches to develop. Even with a surge in AI implementation for industries like manufacturing, there is also a massive need for humans to work in positions such as AI engineers, ethics specialists, or data annotators to administer the technology. AI job posts increased more than 1,000% in the second quarter of 2023 compared with the same period last year, according to global work marketplace Upwork. This is a true sign of the momentum of this sector, which needs humans for it to thrive. Without people controlling AI systems, it significantly increases the chances of the system losing control and having a short lifespan.

Aside from manufacturing, cybersecurity is another field that can potentially change the landscape of the online world. The growth of the cybersecurity industry is soaring like never before. The BLS expects the demand for this field to increase by nearly 35% by 2031. Applying AI to this field to help enhance a cybersecurity professional’s accuracy and capabilities will create more opportunities for people to sustain AI services.

Businesses continue to adopt AI automation into their everyday operations, and there are no signs of that slowing down anytime soon. According to IBM, 35% of businesses have already embraced AI. I believe it is only a matter of time before all businesses implement some form of AI to enhance their work. The misconception that AI solely kills economic opportunities is simply false, and with the increase of AI usage globally also comes an increase in AI-based jobs. It is vital to utilize the various ways that AI automation can create opportunities for people to ensure a greater future for the workforce.

