How to Give a Pill to Your Cat

Maddie Lynn
Animal Tale Chronicles
5 min readApr 19, 2022


Giving a cat a pill can be tricky, but there are a few things you can do to make the process go more smoothly. First, it’s important to understand that some cats are more resistant to taking pills than others. If your cat is difficult, you may need to try a few different methods before finding one that works.

Many cats will take pills in food that they value. Some cats will need a more creative approach, such as swaddling the cat and getting the pill to the back of the throat. If your cat is still resistant, you may need to ask your veterinarian for help. There are tools that can help give pills to difficult cats and there are sometimes alternatives to a pill. With a little patience and perseverance, you should be able to give your cat a pill or an alternative successfully.

I have three cats currently. One is a senior cat, and she is fairly fussy. One of my cats is middle-aged and will eat nearly anything at all. (She’s also overweight, partly because she’s willing to eat anything and I’m sometimes too soft on her!). My youngest cat is under two years of age and she will eat high-value goodies readily, but there are some things she won’t eat even if the other cats like it. Since I know my cats preferences, it helps me to cater to them. I’ve had cats in the past that were so particular that they required more complex solutions.



Maddie Lynn
Animal Tale Chronicles

Maddie has been writing since manuscripts were typed on paper. She now does contract ghostwriting and experimental blogging. She has fairly big feet.