$ANIM and $PHL Token Utility and Play To Earn Ecosystem

Crypto Writer Caye
Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2021

Our top priority is the long-term success of the Animalia community and the ecosystem in which our players participate. For any NFT game to achieve this, a great deal of attention and thought must be placed on the utilities that its tokens offer. At Animalia, this is a driving factor in the decisions made by our team to ensure our native tokens, $ANIM and $PHL, create a sustainable infrastructure. In this article, we delve further into the utilities of each and demonstrate how they empower our community members.

Purchasing with $ANIM

The $ANIM token serves as a currency for players to utilize when purchasing assets from the Animalia Marketplace. This includes standard NFTs, new releases, and more rare collectibles. While our platform also enables users to buy using BNB, they will need to hold a specific amount of $ANIM if they wish to purchase higher-tier card packs.

Card packs that are purchased using $ANIM tokens will allocate a portion of the transaction to the ecosystem pool, while another portion will be burnt. This helps to create a stable price floor for $ANIM and will help to bolster our in-game economy.

Staking Rewards

Only those who qualify as active stakers can receive benefits such as voting on important decisions of the platform and game, or receive special bonuses. These rewards are shared through the Animalia staking rewards pool, and the tokens from it are derived from transactions in the marketplace and our ecosystem pool. Additionally, users may stake their tokens in a BSC wallet address.

Governance & Voting

Our goal from the beginning was to create an equitable and entertaining NFT game that put the power in the hands of our community members. Our governance voting system accomplishes this by letting players decide on important features such as tournament schedules, prizes, gaming leaderboard rewards, the introduction of new critters and skins, and much more.

As mentioned previously, only players who stake their $ANIM tokens will be able to participate in our voting system. Each token will represent one vote; therefore, the more tokens a player stakes, the more they can influence the decisions being made.

Enhancing our P2E Model Through $PHL

The $PHL token will provide several utilities, all of which enhance the Animalia play-to-earn model. It will enable players to bond and craft new NFTs, allow them to make in-game purchases, and will be distributed as a reward in PVE, unranked PVP, and ranked PVP gaming modes.

$PHL Reward Pools

The Animalia team will add a fixed amount of $PHL per month to our various reward pools to begin, and this number will decrease across each pool at a fixed rate per month. Some of the play-to-earn campaigns that will receive monthly $PHL reward allocation include seasonal PVP rewards, daily quest rewards, PVE quest rewards, PVP daily rewards, and tournaments.

NFT Bonding

Another unique utility that $PHL provides is our bonding feature. This enables players to bond their NFT cards and exchange them for a new pack that can be used to play with or traded in our marketplace. The $PHL tokens used in this process are burned, and in the future, a wider variety of NFTs will be eligible for bonding. The initial tiers, NFTs amounts, and $PHL required are Common, Rare, and Epic.

Crafting NFTs

Players will be able to craft their current NFT cards to upgrade them to a higher tier level. This newly upgraded card can then be used in the game or traded on our marketplace. A specific amount of $PHL and NFTs will be required to craft, and these too will be burned.

Purchasing Items with $PHL

Players can also use their $PHL tokens to purchase various in-game items, including Front Card Template Skins, Rear Card Template Skins, Emote Packs, and Sticker Packs.

More Utility to Benefit Our Community

Through the utilities as mentioned earlier, we are confident that both $PHL and $ANIM will create the foundation our ecosystem requires to promote sustainable long-term growth. We want to thank you, our community, for your unwavering support and look forward to sharing more important updates as we near our TGE and game launch.

To better understand the underlying technology and tokenomics that make up the Animalia Kingdom, read our whitepaper here.

Join us on our social channels:
Website: https://animalia.games
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Animalia_ANIM
Telegram: https://t.me/Animalia_ANIM
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Animalia_token
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyQFVFcFffc

