Animalia Presents Ursa and Toro: Phase One Founders Edition NFTitans

Crypto Writer Caye
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2021

Animalia is coming to change the world of GameFi and offer players a new and exciting NFT collectible card game with an abundance of profit-earning opportunities. Our ecosystem pits players in one-on-one battles in which they must strategize and decide which NFT warriors they will call upon to defend their honor, tokens, and other in-game assets.

As we near our beta launch, a series of NFT collections will be offered to our community members, giving them the chance to acquire rare collectible cards that can be used in the game and provide them with a series of benefits and utilities. The first limited collection to go on sale makes up 25% of our Founders Edition NFTs — keep reading to learn more about the mighty Urso and Toro!

Whose Side Are You On?

Players in the Animalia Kingdom will ultimately choose between two major factions of which are controlled by bulls and bears. These powerful animal warriors are known as Titans and each can be further divided into different species that possess powers and characteristics that make them unique. They will be represented as Non-fungible Titans (NFTitan), all of which will have randomly generated traits and a digital signature verification to ensure authenticity.

It’s important to learn all you can about these powerful NFT warriors to develop a sound strategy when going into battle. In this article, we will take a closer look at two very special Titans, Ursa and Toro, the first NFTitans to be unleashed into the Animalia metaverse.

Triumph or Death: The Ursa Mindset

Always battle-ready, Ursa is a true warrior at heart and is always ready to dish out and defend against punishing blows thanks to a stockpile of heavy artillery and defensive armor. Ursas can wield a variety of weapons and shield their pack from enemy strikes, making them an ideal ally in battle.

Toro: A Soul Created for Destruction

At their very core, Toro’s are a blend of raw power and mercilessness, a deadly combination. With a sweeping blow, Toros can deal heavy damage to their enemies and rid the landscape of critters that wish to do them harm. Their expertise in the dark art of enchanted powers allows them to utilize forces of nature when attacking.

NFT Founders Edition & Utilities

Ursa and Toro are what is known as Founders Edition NFTitans and only 2172 will be minted at a price of $870USD each during the first phase of our INO, illustrating the value they can provide to players. Both Ursa and Toro will each feature 6 unique traits, 18 different variations, and offer holders an array of beneficial utilities.

Holders of the first 2,172 NFTitans will enjoy:

  • A guaranteed whitelist spot to participate in the closed beta version of Animalia.
  • VIP access to an exclusive private group.
  • A personalized in-game avatar.
  • Special battle user interface, FX and SFX.
  • Founders Edition card template.
  • Higher stamina in PVP and PVE gaming modes.
  • Seasonal card packs and $PHL airdrops
  • Access to higher tier card packs

Preparing for a “WILDLY” Successful Launch

Animalia has garnered much attention thanks to our community that has helped spread the word on social media channels such as Twitter, Youtube, and Telegram. We want to ensure that all players and investors have fair access to our much-anticipated INO and as such, we have partnered with several top-tier launch pads as seen below, with more to come:

We are thrilled and grateful to have the support of such an incredible community and look forward to sharing many more exciting new developments and NFTitan releases with you all. For further details regarding our INO please have a look at our NFT deck here.

To better understand the underlying technology and tokenomics that make up the Animalia Kingdom, check out our whitepaper here.

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