Animalia: Progress Update

Crypto Writer Caye
Published in
4 min readFeb 18, 2022

Greeting Animalia Community!

2021 was a year full of milestones for the Animalia team and one that sparked much community growth. During this year, we were successfully able to reach our fundraising goals. We garnered the support of multiple industry-leading backers and advisors such as GD10 Ventures, Master Ventures, Exnetwork Capital, X21, NFTb, Warma, Ash WSB, and many others. Also, to the delight of our team and community, Animalia secured several top-tier launchpads renowned for their robust communities of investors that help to contribute to the long-term success of a project. This marquee list of launchpads included platforms like Seedify, Ignition, and Trustpad. Lastly, 2021 brought the successful completion of our INO, tremendously ending the year and setting the stage for many more milestones in 2022.

Welcome 2022: Looking Ahead at Q1/Q2

The year ahead looks promising on all fronts as our game development is proceeding as expected. We are building off of the momentum generated in 2021 and have created an ambitious list of goals that our team is confident in delivering on. The importance of an easy-to-use marketplace cannot be overstated and in this regard, the development of the Animalia marketplace is happening at a record pace. We expect to have it open to the public soon and will be updating our community via our social channels.

Internal & External Growth for Greater Community Expansion

Our community experienced record growth in 2021 and this was in large part due to the incredible partners we collaborated with. The exposure generated by their network helped Animalia reach NFT gaming enthusiasts across the globe. We plan to onboard more tier-1 partners to continue this trend and create an even more robust community of gamers.

Internally, we also intend to match this growth and expand the Animalia team. This will allow us to be more efficient in all areas and accommodate the growing number of players entering our ecosystem. It will also help us fast-track the development of our game which is something all users can be happy about.

Phase 2 Initiated: Advances in Development

The first half of 2022 will welcome new features such as the start of our phase 2 NFT development and the development of the Animalia Workshop. The latter will give aspiring NFT artists the chance to design and submit their own NFT skins, which will be reviewed by the Animalia team. If approved, these creations will be voted on by the community through our governance model and will have a chance to be featured in the game. Creators whose art is accepted will retain a permanent small sale percentage commission hardcoded in the NFT itself

IDO Date Confirmation

Another key event our community can look forward to is the confirmation of our much-anticipated IDO date. While the original date was set for January of this year, our team decided it was best to set a new date that was aligned with the many milestones we are set to reach during Q1 and Q2. In doing so, we are confident this will set Animalia on a more positive trajectory and benefit our community in the short and long term.

Cross-Chain Integration

Another key objective for our team is to ensure cross-chain integration is implemented as part of the road map. As we have stated several times in the past, our goal for Animalia is to be compatible with several blockchains, allowing for a great number of users into our ecosystem.

Coming to the Aid of Our Animal Friends

Some of the world’s most innocent victims are the many endangered species losing their habitats to climate change, industrial building, and clearing of rainforests around the globe. We have made it our duty to initiate a green agenda and help raise awareness to spare the lives of millions of animals around the world.

Alliance with Gaming Guilds

The rise of NFT gaming in 2021 has created an opportunity for several subsectors to thrive, and crypto gaming guilds are one of them. These factions help bring more players into the play-to-earn sphere by supplying the necessary data and even capital to enable new players to participate in NFT games. The Animalia team has our sights set on some of the biggest gaming guilds in the industry and we look forward to making announcements regarding these partnerships after all details have been finalized.

Stay Tuned to Our Socials

We have a lot of great things in store for our community in the coming months so be sure to connect with us through our various social channels to keep updated on our progress. Above all else, we wish to thank you for your continued support and look forward to another incredible year together.

Join the Animalia Community!

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