Animalia & The Future of Blockchain Card Games

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5 min readMar 4, 2022

Current Conditions Reinforces the Growth of Gaming as the #1 Hobby Worldwide

Gaming, already one of the most popular hobbies worldwide, allowed people to continue to cognitively challenge their brains as they discontinued their regular work demands. It even became the foundation of socially competitive interactions between peers without having to be close to one another.

The game genre that best filled the niche of providing a challenging environment that simultaneously evoked competitive gameplay was arguably Strategy Card games.

The Growth Rate of Strategy Card Games

From a quantitative perspective, digital card games are projected to reach USD 12,734 million by the end of 2021 and have an annual growth rate expectation of 20.07% between 2021–2025, representing a significant outpacing in growth relative to many other game genres.*

Technological Innovation for Both Creator and Players

However, it is essential to note that these inordinately high revenue margins are funneled to a central source; Being the company that created the game itself. While that is justified in the sense that the creators of these game worlds are being provided a reward for their inventive ingenuity, we now have the technology that not only rewards the creators of these worlds but of the players who inhabit and test the domains of these worlds themselves.

Is Blockchain Gaming the Natural Evolution of Gaming as a Whole?

This idea for a fair distribution of a game’s internal economy to all players alike is only possible through the advent of connecting a Blockchain to the internal makeup of one’s game. In this article, we will be reviewing the stark differences between a conventional AAA strategy card game and our novel Blockchain-based strategy card game, Animalia. By differentiating these game worlds and their underlying technology, we hope to exemplify why Blockchain gaming is on track to eventually replace conventional gaming as a whole.

The justification for this eventual replacement is centered around the fact that Blockchain gaming provides the opportunity for players to earn cryptocurrency for their time in-game and fosters a situation where ownership of the game world and its ongoing development is distributed fairly amongst the populace.

Differences and Similarities

Animalia shares many similarities to some of the top conventional strategy card games on the market. These key characteristics embodying both these games include riveting gameplay that demands thoughtful insight into the battle mechanics, strategic application of one’s moves with significant repercussions for subpar preparation, and a wide variety of tactics that a player can undergo to beat their opponents within the battlefield. We do not believe in re-inventing the wheel in this regard, as games that have risen in this segment have proven the ongoing popularity of game mechanics such as this.

However, where the Blockchain integrates within the Animalia metaverse is where it becomes utterly unique when compared to any other conventional card game currently on the market. As explained before, instead of the finances gained through these NFT game purchases being solely distributed to a centralised agency, the Animalia ecosystem will instead reward all players for their commitment to the game world.

Let’s dig into how this occurs.

How Do Players Actually Earn Cryptocurrency in a GameFi Metaverse?

First, there are items within the Animalia metaverse registered as an NFT, which is a specialised token that is both validated and tradeable within a Blockchain, and therefore can be utilized for buying/selling purposes within a marketplace that runs on that same Blockchain to earn Animalia’s native token, $ANIM. This is critical as the Blockchain ecosystem represents tokens that have globally recognized real-world value, in particular blue-chip tokens like BTC and ETH. As a result, the $ANIM that is earned within this metaverse can be re-converted into these blue-chip tokens.

The other component of the NFTs is that by representing an item within the metaverse, it can be earned by common tasks undergone within the game itself. In combination with the earning of NFTs, the actual ecosystem itself represents a network of algorithms that, with an initial influx of finances set out by the game’s ecosystem, can create a net positive tokenomic status that then allows the distribution of their in-game asset to all players who successfully complete tasks within the game. The payback for this regular delivery of play-to-earn winnings to their players is that the tasks themselves act as a staking function that validates the Blockchain network, which essentially keeps the functionality of the ecosystem itself afloat.

What you are left with is a reciprocal synergism between players and the metaverse; One that allows regular in-game earnings for players while simultaneously ensuring the safety and ongoing evolution of the game world itself. This is what many games lack, where they currently utilize the simplistic product service model for their games, and don’t give back to their community for their time experiencing and refining the game world.

The Other Exclusive Benefits of GameFi Versus Conventional Gaming

Through the integration of Blockchain, GameFi metaverses like Animalia also embody other completely unique amenities, such as the allowance of extensive governance features, where each player will have democratic voting rights for every component of the game’s evolution, both from a gameplay and economic perspective.

Additionally, due to the interoperability of blockchains to one another, these same in-game assets that you can utilise within the marketplace can also eventually be transferred into completely separate metaverses. This idea of interoperability creates a cooperative network of game worlds that simply cannot be replicated utilising the technology of current conventional games. These are just two brief additional examples of what Blockchain gaming can provide for their community, and through the proper implementation of this novel technology, can represent the future of gaming.

The future is very bright for Blockchain gaming as a whole, and we believe Animalia has the capacity to take the top spot within Blockchain gaming going forward into 2022 and onwards.

Check out our whitepaper here to better understand the underlying technology and tokenomics that make up the Animalia Kingdom.

*Source of information:

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