Spotlight: Minnetonka, MN. School District

Darren Paul
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2019

Amazing Creativity Shown by Student Animators

Animation by Fawaz, 5th Grader

We are always so incredibly proud when we see young people learning animation with Animatic in the classroom. When we connected with Dave Eisenmann, the Director of Instructional Technology & Media Services at Minnetonka Public Schools, we knew we had encountered a kindred spirit.

Dave Eisenmann

Dave is responsible for the instructional technology use in the Minnetonka School District, which consists of youth programs, 6 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and one high school.

Minnetonka Public Schools is an award-winning district serving 10,900 students in the west metro area of Minneapolis St. Paul, and inspiring in all a passion to excel. The Minnetonka School District is first rate in every way, but in particular, their focus on innovative and experimental learning.

Animation by Sophie, 9th Grader

The below is an excerpt and some links to a recent story he shared on his blog, entitled, “Amazing Creativity Shown by Student Animators.”

I’m always amazed by our students and their creativity. When students use their creative skills combined with technology tools they can make some truly awesome products. Whether it is their artwork, skits done with green screens, movies, or eBooks, our students continue to make some incredible projects.

A couple weeks ago I asked our grade 4–12 students with iPads for creative examples of animated GIFs they had made with the Animatic app. Over 140 students submitted work. It was hard to choose some to showcase as so many were really well done! Here are over 20 examples to give you an idea of what Minnetonka students have made.

90 students explained that they made their submitted animation just for fun.

One student wrote, “I watch animators on YouTube, and when I saw this post I was like: Hmm… I should try it! I like drawing and writing, I should like this! And I ended up really liking it, and will probably animate again in the future.

Another stated, “I made this animation because, well, I felt inspired! Also, I wanted to show people my artistic abilities that can encompass technology all at the same time.

If you’d like to learn how to use Animatic from a professional, check out this four-part tutorial from a Disney animator with whom the Animatic team partnered. I shared these videos with our students, too, so we will likely see an increase in their abilities and created work in the future!

If you’re interested in learning more about why animation is great for your class, school or school district, please feel free to contact us. Operators are standing by. :)

