12 Principles of Animation

11. Solid Drawing

Caleb Moos
Animation Appreciation
1 min readJul 29, 2019


Source: https://idearocketanimation.com/13721-12-principles-of-animation-gifs/

The 12 principles of animation are guidelines created by ex-Disney animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston. They were made to teach animators how to create lifelike characters. This post will explain one principle.

Solid drawing is a way to ensure that your objects have the correct shape, mass, and weight. Think of things in terms of 3 dimensions instead of 2. Most objects can be broken down into cubes, spheres, or cylinders. By thinking in these terms you can keep your animated elements looking proper. This is something that applies to all types of art, not just animation. You have to simply make sure that proportions and perspectives remain consistent and convincing.

