12 Principles of Animation

2. Anticipation

Caleb Moos
Animation Appreciation
1 min readJul 29, 2019


Source: https://idearocketanimation.com/13721-12-principles-of-animation-gifs/

The 12 principles of animation are guidelines created by ex-Disney animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston. They were made to teach animators how to create lifelike characters. This post will explain one principle.

Anticipation is the act of building up a movement or action. To create a strong motion, animators can add a build-up that choreographs what’s about to happen. Before someone jumps, they should bend their knees. Before somebody punches forward, their arm pulls back.

Without any anticipation, movements look unnatural and sporadic. Even though anything can happen in cartoons there should still be some sense of reality. This technique creates a realistic sense of motion, even if the motion itself is exaggerated or ridiculous.

