Fashion In Anime: Hakama & Tasuki

Preparing for battle

Thoughts from The Last Debutante
Anime & Fashion


In the anime title, Chihayafuru, the characters play a niche card game called karuta that is primarily practiced in Japan. Despite the card game’s foreign origins, it has found a home there. It is basically unheard of outside the island country, but the popularity of Chihayafuru, fans of the show whether they’re in or outside Japan developed a new found interest in the card game/sport.

During some of her matches, Chihaya is seen wearing a traditional Japanese garment that is called “hakama” (seen below.) According to Wikipedia:

Originally stemming from kù (simplified Chinese: 裤; traditional Chinese: 褲), the trousers worn by members of the Chinese imperial court in the Sui and Tang dynasties, this style was adopted by the Japanese in the form of hakama in the 6th century. Hakama are tied at the waist and fall approximately to the ankles. They are worn over a kimono specially adapted for wearing hakama, known as a hakamashita.

For women in particular, in the past, it was worn as a school uniform. This was prior to the adoption of Western style uniforms. At some point during or after the Meiji period and Taishō period, it became associated with school teachers as they could be seen wearing it during graduation.

Chihaya ties hers up with tasuki (襷/たすき). This is the string or fabric that helps the extra fabric from the kimono not get in the way. It makes perfect sense she’d wear one consider how she needs to utilize her agility. Despite being a card game, karuta, players move a lot and have to be quick on their feet and hands. Chihaya is preparing for battle by wearing one.




Thoughts from The Last Debutante
Anime & Fashion

Blogger-writer. Fashionista. Podcaster. Graphic Designer. Aspiring polyglot.