Thoughts On A Silent Voice

On Forgiveness and Redemption

Nino Padilla
Anime Thoughts


A Silent Voice Movie Poster (Kyoto Animation)

This article contains spoilers.


A Silent Voice is known for its themes about disability, bullying, and mental health. But while it’s popular for those things, I want to highlight its portrayal of forgiveness and redemption.

Shoko Nishimiya was bullied by her classmates because of her condition. But despite many of her classmates being accomplices to the event, Shoya Ishida shouldered all the blame.

The story is about how both Shoko and Shoya made sense of their actions and how those things affected others. Shoko, though innocent, thought she’s at fault because of how others constantly blamed her. Shoya, on the other hand, suffered not only from the guilt of his mistakes but also from the condemnation he received from others.

A Silent Voice shows us how we can find healing in the face of guilt and regret.


In the movie’s beginning, Shoya tried to end his life. However, he suddenly changed his mind and decided not to jump off the bridge. Soon after, he recalled…



Nino Padilla
Anime Thoughts

I grapple with life's most important questions to learn how to live.