Thoughts On Astra Lost In Space

On What Constitutes History and Identity

Nino Padilla
Anime Thoughts


Astra Lost In Space Anime Poster (Studio Lerche)

Warning: This article contains spoilers.


I rarely get interested in sci-fi. Time travel, teleportation, aliens, and parallel universes aren’t my cup of tea. Astra Lost In Space, as an anime that focuses on exploring outer space is no exception. I’ve seen comments saying how amazing yet underhyped this show was, but I never got interested in it. I just knew I’m not into these themes.

I then realize that there are days where we just eat our words when we run out of options. And I’m glad I took a chance on it. Make no mistake. This anime isn’t all about space travel. If anything, it’s a politically charged series with space exploration as its medium.

Who knew that in struggling for survival, issues like identity and history would still be of concern? Have to say, I wish this was as hyped as the more popular 2019 series like Demon Slayer and Haikyuu. It is novel, entertaining, yet deeply philosophical.


In the year 2063, space travel is feasible and commercially available. A group of young and…



Nino Padilla
Anime Thoughts

I grapple with life's most important questions to learn how to live.