Thoughts On To Your Eternity

On Being Remembered

Nino Padilla
Anime Thoughts


To Your Eternity Anime Poster (Studio Brain’s Base)

This article contains spoilers.


To Your Eternity has the potential to be 2021 Anime of the Year. We may still have three months left this year, but I think it’s the best this season has produced.

This show proves that the measure of a good anime lies in its depth and emotional connection. To Your Eternity may not have the most eye-candy fight sequences, but the story and its characters were enough to see it through.

I felt connected to this show because it represented people in real life. Those who didn’t have a choice, those who were betrayed, and those who in their old age long to experience youth once more. In a way, I’ve seen myself in them.


The story follows an orb, known only as It. It lands on earth and replicates things it encounters. Eventually, a wolf wonders to It and dies. The orb then takes its form, and gains its consciousness. It is no longer an inanimate being, but an active participant in the world.



Nino Padilla
Anime Thoughts

I grapple with life's most important questions to learn how to live.