Anime: A very short Introduction

Anime is a word that many of us have heard and may be wondering what it is. The anime represents an attractive, different, and profound art that few have seen or felt.

Maziyar Moradi


The anime, in its natural origin, is essentially the abbreviated animation. In Japan, television animations (whether Japanese or other) are called anime; However, the meaning of this word is entirely different in other cultures. In other cultures, Japanese animations are referred to as anime. It can be said that the term anime originally refers to animations made by Japan and is a name for addressing them and separating them from other animations. When the word anime is used, it refers to a particular style of animation and design that is completely specific to Japan, and no country has even tried to make it.

An example of anime-like design | Source: Hatsune Miku Anime Vocaloid Girl from Free4KWallpapers

History of anime

The origins of the anime go back to 1917 when the first anime and animation of the genre were released. This art has continued to this day and has included some exciting and different works.

Every year, we see the development and display of entirely separate and attractive works in the field of anime, each of which is doing its best to make progress and be more beautiful. One of the salient features of an…



Maziyar Moradi

Author, Translator, ex-psychologist and immigration consultant | WhatsApp: (+1) 920 825 2627