GSoC’20 |Coding Phase| Week 2

Ritwick Raj Open Source
2 min readJun 15, 2020

After the first week of Coding Phase, I stepped into the second phase working with the First User Story — MapViews and Search for Communities

Completing first User Story

Half of the work being done in the first week only. The second week began with the front end of the communities search. I had been reading on rendering templates with ajax requests for some time to implement this.

So what I basically did was render a listview as a generic class based view for the page where search was to be done. Once the link in clicked the CBV is rendered.

The Search Bar is an input field which makes a GET Request. It has a jQuery function linked to it. Whenever a key is pressed in the search bar, the Ajax Request with the query string is made. Once the view receives the request it filters the objects and returns the rendered part of the snippet as html which is injected in the div where results are displayed.

For implementing the maps, Google Maps API is used. The map is displayed and the markers move on the basis of the search result. Here is a working demo of it.

The map isn’t displayed correctly due to key error. :)

User Story 2

I have made progress in removing the meetup location. The models seem to be complicated and too interconnected with each other. I have removed the unwanted models and views as of now. Currently I am working on making the existing meetup views compatible to the existing models.

