Intro to GSoC’20 with Open Source

Introductory post for my Google Summer of Code journey with

Bismita Guha Open Source
3 min readMay 10, 2020


Google Summer of Code

These 4 words are the dream of any aspiring developer!!! GSoC is the best platform to explore Open Source and work with a variety of ideas. I got accepted as a student in the 2020 version of this program to work with Open Source, and this news couldn’t get any better. The results were announced on May 4, 2020. This is the first time I got selected as a participant for contributing to open-source.

Some good news amidst the COVID-19 crisis!!! 👻

Getting involved with Open Source works towards increasing diversity in STEM careers and technical fields. These leaders are involved in a lot of initiatives and programs to enable the inclusion of minorities in tech. This was the reason for choosing to start my open-source journey. Around March, I started getting involved with the community and attended Open Discussions and Community Sessions. It helped me learn a lot, not just about development but about ideas, perspectives, and possibilities. The feedback on my proposal idea, presentations, and discussions by Isabel Costa, Maybelline Burgos, and Anna Bauza gave me insights into reflecting on various perspectives of a project, combining ideas to wireframes, and obviously working from different timezones.

Without the help of the Admins and Mentors of the community, I don’t think I would have been able to prospect into the idea or prepare a proposal.

Do have a look at other projects being developed this GSoC at!!!

Project Idea

For this version of GSoC, I decided to go ahead with the original idea of building Open Source Programs. OSP will enable easy processing, hosting, and management of various open-source programs. This project aims towards digitizing the Student/Mentor progress tracking and automating the work involved during the selection process. My target during the coding period will be delivering the backend and frontend of this web application with MVP features. I will be posting follow up posts to this blog, describing my journey in GSoC’20.

My mentors guiding me during this whole procedure will be Maybelline Burgos and Monal Shadi. Here are the Github repositories I will be working on:

Framing the Proposal

So the first step was selecting a project to work on! I always wanted a learning experience from the process, keeping in mind the maximum possibility of successful completion while selecting a project. Hence, I selected an idea from the original ideas list — Open Source Programs, because the description sounded interesting, I saw a learning opportunity and the tech stack was within my comfort zone! Since it was a from-scratch project, I had to plan out the workflow, wireframes, information architecture, backend architecture, and ER diagrams relevant to the project. I gained a lot of experience in contributing to open-source, getting involved with a community, and broadening my perspectives on project-related problem-solving.

I tried having regular reviews and discussions with the admins and mentors of the organization during GSoC Feedback Sessions. They have always been so helpful during the whole process. So after lots of brainstorming and discussions, I finalized the proposal and submitted it for GSoC.

Contributing more…

The project is open-sourced and everyone is invited to contribute, not just code but also ideas, and get associated with the community. I am obliged to for providing me with this learning opportunity and am looking forward to the awesome work awaiting. GitHub | Zulip | Contributing Guidelines

To keep a track of my work you may look at my GitHub Wiki for further insights. My further blogs will be available in the following publication:

Let’s get connected… GitHub | LinkedIn | IMG, IITR Team

