The World of Radiant, Explained (Vol 1) — A Beginner’s Guide to Sorcery

Dark Aether
Published in
20 min readApr 10, 2023
Viz Media | Ankama Éditions (original source)

So, you’re thinking about seeking Radiant, but don’t know where to start? Maybe you started at some point and lost track of a few important details? Perhaps you’re still on the fence and need a little push. Or, if you’re like me, you need a quick refresher! The world of Radiant is vast, spanning multiple regions, governing entities, and lore rich in historical and mythical detail, but it can also be intimidating to take in all at once.

Radiant Memories is a collection of stories looking back at the Radiant universe and its 10 year anniversary. For more details, see below.

As I was preparing materials, I decided to kick off this inaugural post with a mini guide explaining some of the common nomenclature and to give an overview of the world before getting into the story. Whether you are a veteran sorcerer or just learning the basics, this guide should prove beneficial as a travel companion for future stories. If you are new here, welcome! I’ll have much more to share in the future, including the first essay, but for now, here is everything you need to know about Radiant!

*This will be a mostly spoiler-free guide.



Long ago, the world of Pharenos was abundant with a resource called Fantasia, a substance that would form the basis of present-day magic. In the primordial age before magic, the creatures and inhabitants lived in harmony with nature. But when humanity started to colonize and expand, they began terraforming much of the planet, drastically reducing the output of Fantasia.

At a certain point in time, humanity acquired knowledge of magic tools, resulting in an all-out war between the magically adept mages and the remaining humans. Eventually, the war would come to a decisive end when a farmer took up their pitchfork and entered the conflict, wielding a different power from those of the mages. Whether it was divine intervention or an unbreakable will that summoned this new power, this man would later be recognized as the Patrem Inquisitor, the founder of the Inquisition and the first inheritors of “Miracles.”

As the last remnants of magic faded into memory and the Age of Industry began to take shape, large portions of the earth started to sink. With the advent of technology, the increase in drilling for resources, as well as the Inquisition’s crackdown on magic, much of the planet became inhospitable, forming Pharenos’s current geography. Though historians disagree on exact dates and placement of events, all these factors would culminate into the Age of Sorcery, the birth of the Nemesis, and the infected.


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The world in which our story takes place. Though Pharenos is the collective term to describe the world at large, it actually refers to the remaining islands that are still visible, otherwise known as the habitable zone. As the geography changed and toxic clouds began to form, the areas below the clouds became known as the Underworld or uninhabitable zone.

While humans are incapable of surviving the poisonous miasma, other species have taken up residence. Some researchers speculate a few Nemeses are able to withstand the deadly fumes of the Underworld.

The Radiant

Long ago, when Nemeses began to appear, sorcerers came together to investigate the root cause of the Nemesis Eggs. “If they fall from the sky, then they must descend from a place even higher!” Some believed they were the product of a vengeful deity or a creature of ancient origin. Others called it “nature’s fury” incarnate or the planet’s natural defense mechanism after years of terraforming and pollution. A few even went out on expeditions to find the supposed birthplace of the Nemesis, only to come up short or give up entirely.

In time, this origin point would be given the name of Radiant before entering the pages of myth. Though this hypothesis turned fable no longer holds the same relevance as sorcerers turned their attention to dealing with the falling Nemeses, the name itself still carries significant weight to those familiar with the stories.

In the ancient language, the word radiant is derived from the term “to shine brilliantly.” Taken in that context, one could also describe it as “the pursuit of the unattainable” or the highest possible state of being. For the sorcerers who still pass down the stories, that is what it means to seek the Radiant.

Terminology & Concepts


One of the oldest known natural resources in Pharenos, predating the Nemesis and most known lifeforms, including humans. It is also the building block and essential element in all forms of magic and sorcery.

A common misconception is that sorcerers “generate” magic when spellcasting. In reality, a sorcerer manipulates existing Fantasia by 1.) gathering it from the environment, 2.) concentrating it into their conduit or preferred magic tool, and 3.) symbolizing the spell prior to casting. Through this process of gathering, concentrating and symbolizing, a sorcerer achieves the desired effect.

Only infected humans (i.e. sorcerers) are capable of sensing and manipulating Fantasia. With the proper training, one becomes more in sync with Fantasia and the world around oneself.


The name given to the beasts that fall from the sky. Extremely dangerous and territorial, they come in several forms, making it impossible to gauge how many different kinds exist, with new types constantly being discovered. Their only commonality across species is that they fall from the sky, are birthed from Nemesis Eggs, share a distinct two-colored striped pattern and a marking/insignia on some portion of their body, and most infamously, have a penchant for destruction.

Nemesis Egg

When a Nemesis crashes to earth, it always comes in the form of a Nemesis Egg. After a period of incubation or the egg is forcibly cracked, the Nemesis will spawn. Their origin and unusual method of birthing remains one of Pharenos’s greatest mysteries.

It is said that the age of sorcery began when the first Nemesis Egg landed in Pharenos.

Source Nemesis

Source Nemesis and its Echoes

A Nemesis hatched from a Nemesis Egg. Apart from their manipulation of Fantasia and physical strength, a Source Nemesis is capable of killing with a single touch. It is currently estimated that a human has an 87.5% chance of being vaporized upon physical contact with a Nemesis. The remaining 12.5% become infected.

Echo Nemesis

Direct offspring of a Source Nemesis. Unlike their Source counterparts, Echo Nemeses are incapable of killing humans from physical contact, much less create new infected. Due to their weakened development, Echoes are much more susceptible to ordinary weaponry, negating the need for Fantasia to fight directly.

The Source Nemesis can control their Echoes, utilizing them for reconnaissance in addition to combat. Killing a Source Nemesis automatically renders their Echoes harmless.


Infections, or “the infected”, is the catch-all term for humans who have survived physical contact with a Nemesis. Like the Source Nemesis, infected are capable of sensing and manipulating Fantasia, at the cost of developing a unique curse.

There is no direct correlation between a Nemesis and the respective curse applied to the infected individual. Researchers suggest infections are genetic given the fatality rate and how no two curses can be identical, though details are still heavily debated as new discoveries are made.


Horns are one type of curse.

The term used to define an infected or sorcerer’s affliction upon Nemesis contact. Curses come in many different types, so categorization is open to interpretation. At the moment, the three most observable curses are as follows:

  • Physical — markings, abnormalities, and bodily or functionality changes to the victim’s anatomy (ex/ skin conditions, additional appendages, growths or animalistic features)
  • Psychological — whereas the victim suffers from mental, emotional, or non-physical distress to the senses, often without warning or involuntary control outside the victim’s faculties (ex/ headaches, multiple personalities, anything related to the victim’s five senses operating in ways that defy logic)
  • Unexplained — a curse that is beyond comprehension or outside the scope of human understanding. Some believe that people with “Useful Curses” (infected that benefit from their affliction) exist, though evidence has been inconclusive thus far. Researchers believe if they did exist, they likely died off hundreds of years ago.


A Thaumaturge activating their Miracle.

A mysterious power manifested by the Patrem Inquisitor used to end the great mage war. As the Inquisition keeps most of its records under heavy security, not much is known about the nature of Miracles, including where they came from, how they are inherited or passed down from person to person, or what grants their “divine” properties. Whatever the case, the Inquisition has made effective use of this power in the age of sorcery, capable of holding their own against experienced sorcerers deemed too powerful for regular soldiers.

Only a select few are granted the blessing of a Miracle. The selection process and ritual are a closely guarded secret, currently known by only a handful of high-ranking inquisitors. Those who inherit these gifts become known as Thaumaturges — the Miracle Workers.

Tools of the Trade

Magic Tools

Sorcerers are incapable of controlling Fantasia without a conduit and Nemeses cannot be slain with conventional weapons. As the study of Fantasia grew and Nemesis hunting opened up, several different types of weapons, tools, and other accessories were developed to assist in these activities. Common magic tools include wands, blades, gloves and other articles of clothing made from a special tree (see further down). Depending on the user’s preferred method of engagement and spellcasting, these can be further customized to suit their needs.

Sorcerers who can manipulate Fantasia without magic tools are extremely rare, often deemed unnatural even amongst the practitioners of magic.

Support Items

Supplemental resources and useful tools for the traveling sorcerer. Like magic tools, these also come in various forms. The most frequently deployed are parchment/cards, explosive bottles, seals and containment items, as well as the signature flying broomstick. Wherever your travels may take you, a sorcerer is prepared for all manner of situations.

Feather Trees

More commonly referred to as a “Nemesis Nest,” these unusual trees grow following the birth of a new Nemesis. The exact size and vegetation can provide a visual reference as to how powerful the Source Nemesis is. Feather Trees are highly sought after as their material forms the basis of all magic tools.

The feathers give off a distinct glow, likely a side effect from Fantasia exposure.


Viz Media | Ankama Éditions

The technical term sorcerers use for magic or the manipulation of Fantasia. Once the Fantasia has taken the wielder’s desired shape, a spell can be cast. There are many different spells and variations, with sorcerers adding their own signature flair as time went on. Despite the quantity, all magic can be generally categorized into one of three functions:

  • Offensive — Attack magic intended to inflict direct damage at the target
  • Defensive — Protection skills or barriers that can shield or nullify incoming attacks at the user
  • Support — Additional spells that provide utility rather than direct combat application (ex/ healing, sealing or binding, tracking, enhancement). Miniaturization, which is covered in the next section, can also be considered a type of support magic


The act of shrinking down an object into a container of some kind. This is usually achieved using parchment or other material that is Fantasia conductive (i.e. anything identical to Feather Trees). Some sorcerers have gotten creative with miniaturization, using it to store heavy or large items for long distance travel or keeping additional tools hidden away should the need arise. When the miniaturized item is needed, the user unseals the containment object and applies the proper spell or Fantasia to resummon the required item.

While the miniaturizing of living objects is possible, it is not often attempted due to the difficulty in casting and high risk of harming the target. Failed casting is known to result in death or permanent injury to the target. Some sorcerers, however, specialize in this magic. With the right training, a firm understanding of Fantasia and the required sealing material, these practitioners become capable of miniaturizing almost anything.

Black Silver

Viz Media | Ankama Éditions

A rare mineral extracted from the far reaches of Pharenos. During the industrial period, its discovery led to the rapid development of sorcerer countermeasures, allowing the Inquisition to assert its authority upon realizing the unique ore’s “anti-Fantasia” properties. At close range, Black Silver vacuums the surrounding Fantasia, effectively nullifying the use of magic.

As the Inquisition’s crusade continued, this made it an invaluable component in the manufacturing of cages, handcuffs and other tools of detainment in the transportation and imprisonment of sorcerers and persons of interest. Its fatal flaw, however, is its anti-Fantasia properties diminish the greater the distance, rendering it useless against long distance spells or concentrated levels of Fantasia.

Viz Media | Ankama Éditions

Its sibling mineral, White Silver, is even rarer. Though it lacks the vacuuming component of its counterpart and is incapable of nullifying Fantasia completely, it becomes highly resistant to it the purer the mineral, making it the ideal material for weapons, shields and armor. At higher concentrations, it can even block or pierce through Fantasia spells.


A product of the Merchant Baron’s tecno-chemists, potions are drinkable concoctions developed for commercial and military use. Upon consumption, they provide a variety of effects for a brief period such as enhanced strength and protection against Fantasia. Some side effects and withdrawal symptoms have been reported, with the muscular enhancement potions being noted for their highly addictive properties. Despite the warnings, their application has become more common in the age of sorcery.

The taste is said to be unpleasant.

Factions, Jobs & Organizations


A general term to describe a human who has not been touched by the Nemesis curse. Many of the people in Pharenos still fear the infected and openly discriminate against them — if not hunting them outright — for their association with “demons and heretical practices.” Some still deploy the services of sorcerers in the disposal of the Nemesis, though the practice is borne more out of a mutual benefit than cooperation.

However, should one survive contact with a Nemesis, they become known as…


Humans who have been endowed with the ability to interact with Fantasia through the curse of the Nemesis. As no known cure exists, most people choose to live with their curses, seeking refuge by living secretly as an infected, hiding in plain sight or moving to safer territories away from the Inquisition’s watchful eyes. Others opt to develop their newfound abilities, becoming full-fledged sorcerers, finding suitable work and adapting to their new circumstances.

Sorcerers can fulfill several different types of roles including, but not limited to:

Jobs & Subclasses


Sorcerers who specialize in locating and eliminating Nemesis. Following the age of sorcery and the discovery of Nemesis Eggs, hunters became commonplace, often hired to take on some of the most dangerous jobs in Pharenos. As sorcerers are the only means of eliminating Nemesis, they work directly on the front lines gathering reconnaissance or serving in combatant roles. Nemesis corpses fetch a large price to most academic and research institutions, although the Inquisition enforces strict rules against the possession or transportation of them.

All jobs have various subclasses under them. In the case of hunters, Trackers are the most recognized type, engaging in direct combat with the goal of capturing or slaying their targets. Trappers specialize in binding and sealing spells, ensuring the target is fully restrained to be kept alive or subdued long enough for a fatal blow.

Due to the unpredictability and volatile nature of the work, it is common for hunters to work together, combining their skills and sharing their knowledge to increase their survival rate. For the hunters of Nemesis, trust between partners is one method of adapting to one’s circumstances and living as infected.


Sorcerers of academia, inventors and other distinguished scholars of higher learning. Researchers are generally regarded as knowledgeable experts of the sorcery world, acting as Nemesis consultants for hunters and providing additional support in all matters and phenomena regarding Fantasia.

Though not often on the front lines, researchers affiliated to an institute may be employed to examine, retrieve and deliver the deceased Nemesis once it has been properly disposed of. These magi tend to keep close to their academic roots, preferring to apply their knowledge and record their discoveries by working alongside Nemesis Hunters as Informants, or official handlers. Informants are highly sought after by hunters as a means of finding regular employment and scoping out the difficulty of potential jobs ahead of time.


As the name implies, a healer is a sorcerer who practices recovery magic. In addition to human medicine, they also deal with Nemesis and Fantasia related afflictions. As noted earlier, while no cure exists for the infected, advancements in technology and sorcery have equipped healers with a greater understanding of how to manage certain curses. Until the day the world is no longer threatened by the Nemesis, finding a cure should remain a top priority.


One of the most feared and powerful sorcerers, a Domitor is a tamer of Nemesis. This type of sorcerer is rare even among the infected, often held in high contempt for their association with the Nemesis. Not much is known about how a Nemesis “bonds” with a sorcerer beyond a link between Fantasia and the sorcerer in question undertaking a form of “awakening” during their synchronization. Even after successfully bonding with a Nemesis, it takes years of practice to fully control one without severing the bond given their notoriously fickle nature.

Once a Nemesis has been tamed, it will lend its aid to the Domitor, becoming aggressively territorial when its master is targeted. Despite their fearsome reputation, one cannot deny that taming a Nemesis requires a powerful sorcerer of exceptional talent. Of course, this begs the question of how the Domitors learned to commune with beasts — or what kind of darkness resides within the human heart?

The Coven of the Thirteen

*Artist Rendition*

An elite group of thirteen sorcerers from various parts of Pharenos. Their identities, whereabouts and origins remain a mystery, but their knowledge and control of Fantasia rank among the highest of all known sorcerers, with each member having enough power to rival “1000 Inquisitors.” Though they primarily work independently, their arrival is said to prelude historical events, acting as a sort of unseen hand with regards to the balance of power and an arbiter during times of crisis or when humanity is at the precipice of significant change.

No one knows for sure how far their roots stretch, likely predating the age of sorcery given Fantasia has been around since the beginning of Pharenos’s recorded history. One fact is for certain — their existence begets a larger threat that humanity has yet to extinguish.

The Inquisition

Radiant Wiki (source)

After the end of the great war, the Inquisition would pick up where its founder left off as they began a crusade against the remaining mages. Over time, their power and influence would grow beyond their territories in the Kingdoms of Estria, entrenching themselves to Pharenos’s economic, governmental and foreign affairs. This resulted in the adoption of many of their ideologies and perception of the modern-day sorcerer among the populace, with several rules and regulations further segregating the infected and introducing the witch hunts.

In the age of sorcery, the Inquisition maintains a hard stance against “heretics and witchcraft,” arresting or hunting the infected on sight. Following the discovery of the Nemesis, however, they added additional provisions, authorizing the work of the hunters under a strict list of guidelines and paperwork.

Among the sorcerer led kingdoms — notably, Cyfandir and the Artemis Institute — they share a diplomatic agreement of non-aggression in exchange for respecting each other’s sovereignty. Even in an age of terrors dropping above the clouds and surfacing beneath the earth, the threat of war continues to be humanity’s sole deterrent against complete annihilation.

Baron Merchants

Hailing from the Ponantin States, a technologically advanced continent comprised of some of the wealthiest individuals and families of influence, the Baron Merchants are a group of nobles with ties to several of the largest trades and businesses in Pharenos, as well as pioneering several modern-day inventions. They are widely known for their entrepreneurship in various industries including manufacturing, trade and distribution of everything from common goods to experimental weaponry.

Their business acumen has given them a seat on the global stage as they observe the ongoing balance of power between Cyfandir and the Kingdoms of Estria. No matter the age or era, peacetime or war, daily essentials or tools of destruction, the Baron Merchants are quick to provide whatever the market requires. To that end, they’ve been given the moniker “merchants of death.”

Where We’ve Traveled Thus Far…

Pompo Hills

A rural set of floating islands generally regarded by most as peaceful, with relatively little in the way of supervision and only a few inquisitors and sorcerers currently active. Best known for its agriculture and laid-back citizens, as well as the original designer of a certain patterned hoodie. Despite the steady increase in Nemesis activity, many old superstitions and stigmas remain regarding sorcery.

On the distant plains of Island 21, a young boy departs on a journey in search of answers…

Artemis Institute

A floating metropolis and research academia currently investigating the nature of infections, the Artemis Institute is famously recognized as one of the top organizations in Nemesis and curse study. Renowned for its extravagant events, including Broomstick races, it attracts travelers from all corners of Pharenos. One of the few safe havens for sorcerers and the infected, the institute is welcome to all seeking greater knowledge, a way to manage their infections, or refuge from the outside world — for a price of course.

The official motto of Artemis is Tempori Servire* — “To adapt oneself to circumstances.” For whether it’s managing infections or financial debt, being adaptable to all manner of circumstances is the key to a successful infected life!

*Adapted from “Survival Guide for the Amateur Infected” — Mjölngrkt the Light Beige (Radiant volume 3)

Rumble Town

A manufacturing and commerce town settled high above the clouds currently under Inquisition control. Originally named “Prosperity,” it was founded during the advent of the industrial era. Due to the heavy machinery and continuous drilling, much of the island’s land mass has diminished, forcing the locals to reinforce the island’s side areas or attach special balloons. In time, the whole island began to shake, prompting a change in infrastructure.

The central clock tower is now used to redirect the citizens away from vulnerable districts at regular intervals. Once the installations were completed, this was also when the island would gain its reputation and new name. Or as the locals call it — “Rumble Town, the town that always rumbles.”

Caislean Merlin

Home of the Sorcerer Knights and the enchanted Callite Forest, the continent of Cyfandir is said to boast one of the largest populations of infected on the planet, hosting around 80% of the known infected. A country founded on traditions and legendary heroes, it operates on hierarchy, with its kingdom’s ruler and their royal sorcerer knights both revered and admired by much of the populace as champions of the infected, protecting them from the threat of the Nemesis and the Inquisition’s growing influence.

Its capital, Caislean Merlin, frequently hosts educational courses for aspiring sorcerers looking to hone their skills and enlists potential knight candidates among the most prospective individuals. For those seeking mastery, induction into the Order of the Sorcerer Knights is one of Cyfandir’s highest honors awarded, recognizing an individual as “an experienced sorcerer” in their own right.

In olden times, lords used to offer their first-born children to the Nemesis to bolster the infected population to become suitable knights, but that practice has largely been abandoned due to ethical concerns. With the number of “naturally occurring infections” decreasing in recent times, membership is usually granted to apprentices once they become of age, with the lords themselves handpicking their chosen heirs.

Caislean Merlin is named after the legendary sorcerer Merlin who was said to have repelled invaders. After his death, the order was founded, vowing to uphold his legacy and protect the lands of Cyfandir. For as the knights of today proclaim, “in the name of Merlin, these lands will never be shared to those who would defile it!”


Viz Media | Ankama Éditions (source)

Located in the heart of the Kingdoms of Estria, Bome is an elevated city known for its impressive architecture, waterfalls, and military strength. At the crossroads of its cultural and historical significance lies the headquarters of the Inquisition, making it a feared destination for the infected and sorcerers alike.

Bome is divided into five districts or hills. At the very top lies the Regalia and Patrem Hills which overlook the main waterfalls and populace. The Regalia Hill houses the Royal Palace, home to nobility, distinguished Inquisitors, VIPs and other private military contractors in service to the current king. Patrem Hill is the central stronghold of the Inquisition, hosting the main branch as well as the officer’s academy. Some of Bome’s most notable landmarks and ruins are still visible to this day, including one of the most impenetrable prisons in all of Pharenos.

The lower districts consist of the Threshold, Veteris and Agris Hills. The Threshold Hill operates as Bome’s main gateway. Naturally, this area is regularly monitored as everything that comes and goes through Bome passes this entry. Sitting directly underneath the Regalia is Veteris Hill, a heavily populated district and center for commerce and residential traffic. Finally, there is Agris Hill, Bome’s agricultural gardens and farmland district. A few of the wealthiest locals own property and residential space on Agris. With a few exceptions, the waterfalls overlooking these hills provide a birds-eye view of the region below.

Backed by the full military might of the Inquisition, Bome remains at the center of many geopolitical affairs as world leaders look for solutions to the frequent Nemesis attacks and rogue sorcerers currently operating in the shadows.

And More!

This is just the tip of what this world has to offer, but I hope I’ve given you a taste of what’s to come. If you made it to the end, congratulations! Though I can’t help you find the Radiant, your newfound knowledge should open up many more paths in the near future, including the next article, which will debut — as soon as it is ready! As always, if you liked what you read, have further questions or see anything of interest above, feel free to leave me a comment, and stay tuned for more Radiant Memories.


Song: Pompo Hills Island 21 | Composer: Masato Koda | Anime: Radiant (Original Soundtrack)

Special thanks to Doctorkev for editing this piece. All screenshots taken from my computer or phone using the original media, unless otherwise noted.

Dark Aether is a writer/contributor for TAY and AniTAY. You can check his main writings on Medium, archives at TAY2, or follow him on Twitter @TheGrimAether. Not Dead Yet.

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Dark Aether

Freelance writer, essayist, and pop culture fiend covering strange, obscure and interesting curios. Morbidly curious. Not Dead Yet. @TheGrimAether