Happy Lunar New Year with Anito Legends Early Access v0.4.9

Luie Magbanua
Anito Legends
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2023

The Lunar New Year brings a new event, weapons, gameplay mechanics, and more in Anito Legends Early Access v0.4.9!

We’ve got a lot of exciting changes and updates, so without further ado, here’s the Early Access v0.4.9 changelog! :)


  1. Anito Legends Lunar New Year Event!
Check out the decked out new lobby for the Lunar New Year! :)

Gong Xi Fa Cai! The Lunar New Year event will run from January 16 to Feb 8, 2023!

During this period, players will be able to craft and collect new equipment. We are also introducing new mechanics and new NPCs into the game!

New Mechanics:
A. Class-specific weapons — Some weapons can only be equipped by certain Anito classes.
B. Cleanse — Equipment that removes status effects from other Anitos.
C. New Equipment:

  • Garlic Mace — (Sarangay only) ATK: 5–7, +10% evasion, deals splash damage
  • Leap — (Tikbalang only) ATK: 6–8, +10% evasion, ambush
  • Listen — (Siyokoy only) ATK: 4–6, +10% evasion, lifesteal
  • Jade Rabbit Staff — (Kiwig only) ATK: 4–6, +10% evasion, removes all status effects from one random party member with each attak
  • Lucky Band — (Duende only) Shield, +20% evasion, adds a random stat boost to wielder: +10 ATK, +10 DEF or +10 HP (still capped at MAX 25)
  • Ceremonial Vest — Body armor, DEF: 4–6, +7.5% evasion
  • Ceremonial Pauldrons — Shoulder armor, DEF: 3–5, +5% evasion, +50% burn resistance
  • Jade Rabbit Vest — Body armor, DEF: 4–6, +7.5% evasion
  • Jade Rabbit Pauldrons — Shoulder armor, DEF: 3–5, +5% evasion, +50% sleep resistance

D. New Tower Boss — Hwacha Lumot

New boss to encounter during Adventure Mode (PvE)!

We have a new boss that you can encounter during Tower runs! This is the Hwacha Lumot!

The Hwacha Lumot is a permanent addition to Adventure Mode (PvE), so don’t worry about missing out. :)

2. Arena and Raid Ticket Drops

We’ve Added Arena and Raid ticket drops to Boss Towers in Adventure Mode (PvE).

3. Food for the Deundes

Yes, you can now feed the Duendes! From the Lobby, just choose the food icon from the character menu and give it a try! Feeding will earn half a heart and allow players to easily level up the Anitocare meter. Food items that can be fed include Taho (Legendary), Turon, Castanas, and Puto.

4. New Loading Screen

Our new loading screen is as festive as the Lunar New Year! Yay!


  1. Players can now view their current Battle Points score from the Arena Menu.
  2. Fixed bug where Victory/Defeat text was missing from the popups.
  3. Fixed bug on fast forward option during Anito battle.
  4. More cloud API optimizations.
  5. Minor in-game optimizations (to fix crashing on some devices).


  1. Play-and-Earn Early Access on January 25, 2023

We are very happy to share that play-and-earn early access is happening this January 25, 2023, 8:00AM GMT+8!

More details about this will be shared on our official channels, so stay tuned! :)

2. Gacha Store Shutdown this January 31, 2023

In line with the P&E early access, we’ll be shutting down the Gacha Store by January 31, 2023, 8:00AM GMT+8. This means you won’t be able to purchase our gacha boxes for Duendes and all tiers of Anito NFTs.

Don’t forget that you can only purchase Anito NFTs over at our official website until January 31, 2023. This is also where you can download the most updated game client!

If you’d like to report any bugs or issues, feel free to let us know on our Discord, Twitter, or Telegram!

