ANIVERSE : A brief introduction!

ANIVERSE is a ‘Contents Theme Park Platform’ for the world to enjoy

2 min readJan 4, 2021


ANIVERSE is the contents theme park platform with Larva’s exclusive platform partner.You can turn your own imagination into reality by making contents and products through ANIVERSE IPs. By Sharing and mediating tangible and intangible content assets, ANIVERSE will be advantageous to everyone.

ANIVERSE is a ‘Contents Theme Park Platform’ which combines the actual IP businesses with block chain technology to lower the high entry barrier of the current IP business. ANIVERSE Foundation has launched the IP contents business, starting with Larva’s exclusive partnership. With existing 150 global IP business partners in 25 countries and audiences reaching 196 countries, we aim to build a worldwide service platform that enables the corporate and individuals to carry out the global IP business securely without limitation.

General platform description

ANIVERSE plans to develop our platform in 3 steps. First, ANIVERSE establishes the open-source IP platform reaching to everyone and enabling them to make their own creations through our royalty-free IPs. Second, we enhance the infrastructure of IP studio for quality content and build a V-commerce eco-system. Third, ANIVERSE forms the contents theme park to combine various IP contents with ICT on a blockchain platform.

Functions of the solution

ANIVERSE contributes to solving the issue of asymmetric information and uncertain contract in the IP market by the features of block chain transparency.

All participants who are engaged in ANIVERSE will be fairly rewarded for their works. An initiative model of contents theme park platform, developed by ANIVERSE team contributes to building anyone who can access anywhere to enjoy the contents and even create their own through open-source IP contents on ANIVERSE platform.

The creators in our platform can display their ability to the world through over 190 countries with ANIVERSE global networks.

Copyright infringement issues have varied over the years, but with rapid advances in blockchain technology, a growing number of creators can protect their works. Users in ANIVERSE eco-system will be assured of a fair profit-sharing plan with an authenticated contract. Our platform focuses on building a clean and transparent IP content eco-system where all users can benefits.




ANIVERSE is a ‘Contents Theme Park Platform’ for the world to enjoy