AWS Step Functions: An Introduction to Visual Workflow Orchestration

Akshay Waditke
Ankercloud Engineering
7 min readAug 17, 2023

Greetings, computer nerds! Today, we set out on an adventure through the world of AWS Step Functions, a revolutionary visual workflow tool that will transform the way you manage the tasks in your application. Increases in AWS API calls brought on by a workflow

Lets have a quick introduction on what is AWS Step Functions :-
Web service called AWS Step Functions offers serverless orchestration for contemporary applications. It enables you to use visual workflows to coordinate the parts of distributed systems and microservices.

Step Functions are built upon two essential foundations: Tasks and State Machines :-
Task :-
All work within the state machine is seamlessly carried out by tasks. These tasks efficiently execute activities, AWS Lambda functions, or smoothly pass parameters to API actions of other AWS services, ensuring a streamlined workflow and optimal productivity.

State Machines :- The Amazon States Language, built on JSON, serves as a powerful tool for defining state machines. With AWS Step Functions, developers can easily create and connect components to visualize their system and its configuration. This simplifies the process of understanding and managing complex workflows in a user-friendly manner.

Need of AWS Step Functions :-
By combining several AWS services into various serverless workflows, you may create and update apps quickly. Furthermore, Step Functions gives you the ability to design and implement processes that include a number of services, like Amazon ECS and AWS Lambda, to build feature-rich applications.
For instance, you can run a Lambda function on each step or you can wait for user input or information from a remote API. Step Functions thereby offers a useful service. The nice part is that Step Functions are serverless as well! On-demand pricing and reduced operating costs follow from this.

Advantages of AWS Step Functions :-
Easy to visualize and understand :-
The state machine is visually represented by AWS Step Functions, which makes it simple to comprehend the application’s logic and flow. Particularly for debugging and troubleshooting, this can be helpful.

Easy to integrate with other AWS services :- When used with other AWS services like AWS Lambda, SQS, SNS, and DynamoDB, AWS Step Functions makes it simple for developers to create powerful and complicated stateful applications.

Cost-effective :- AWS Step Functions is a serverless service, so it adapts to the volume of requests automatically and you only pay for what you really use. As a result, costs can be decreased and efficiency can be increased.

Flexibility :- AWS Step Functions give you the freedom to use various state types, including Task, Choice, and Wait. As a result, programmers can create stateful apps that can manage various logical and decision-making processes.

Working Process of AWS Step Functions :-
AWS Step Functions is composed of the following major components :-
State Machine :-
As we mentioned earlier, the state machine plays a crucial role in the AWS Step Functions service. It not only governs communication between states but also handles seamless data transfer from one state to another. This fundamental component ensures an efficient and smooth workflow within your application or system.
In the world of computer science, state machines are a well-known technology that allows for the storage and updating of different status values based on inputs. AWS Step Functions takes this concept even further by considering an application workflow as a state machine. This innovation broadens the possibilities and efficiency of building complex workflows within your applications.With the Amazon States Language, developers are empowered to effortlessly build state machines in Step Functions using JSON files.

State :-
The name of a state, which can be any string but must be distinct throughout the entire state machine, serves as the state’s identifier. It accomplishes the following tasks:

Pass :- Pushes input to output in a pass.
Task :- Produces output from input.
Choice :- Choose between different execution branches in the choice state..
Wait :- The execution of the State Machine is delayed.
Success :- Execution is stopped and marked as successful in the succeed state.
Fail :- Stops execution and declares it to be in the fail state
Parallel :- Start parallel branches of execution .
(Dynamic) Mapping :- Runs a series of procedures for each input item during mapping.

Task State :-
A task state, sometimes referred to as a task, is employed by your state machine to finish off a particular piece of work. Over 200 Amazon and AWS services have API actions that can be called by tasks.

Two different sorts of jobs are possible in your workflows:
1. Activity Tasks
2. Service Tasks

Activity Tasks :-
You can link a workflow step to a batch of code that is running elsewhere using activity tasks. An activity worker is a batch of external code that checks Amazon Step Functions for work, uses your code to finish it asynchronously, and then returns the results. In adaptive workflows that call for some human involvement (to, say, validate a user account), activity tasks are frequently used.

Service Tasks :-
You can link workflow steps to specific AWS services using service tasks. Step Functions sends requests to other services, waits for the task to be completed, and then advances to the following process stage. They may be used with ease for automated processes like running a Lambda function.

Your AWS console will display your state machine as a series of steps that you can inspect and verify. Step Functions keep track of each step’s execution duration, input and output, number of retries, and errors that are made. Engineering teams can quickly determine the step or stages that failed a workflow and the phases that succeeded them.

Integration of Other Amazon Services With AWS Step Functions :-
There are four ways to activate Step Functions :-
API Gateway
S3 events
CloudWatch Events
Step Functions API — StartExecution

Lambda functions are not all that Step Functions are. Other Integration Patterns supported by it include SQS, DynamoDB, SNS, ECS, and a wide range of others.
You can use your state definition to directly call AWS services thanks to the Amazon State Language. These services can be directly offered by a step function :-

Task execution :- You can run tasks synchronously or asynchronously by using Lambda function calls, AWS Batch jobs, or Amazon ECS tasks.
Database operations :- It involves adding or retrieving data using Amazon DynamoDB.
Messaging :- You can send a message using Amazon SQS or share a subject using Amazon SNS.

AWS Step Functions limits :-
25,000 item execution history in a workflow :-
25,000 execution records for items in a workflow. This indicates that a single execution of your workflow cannot include more than 25,000 state transitions. This won’t be a problem in the majority of use situations. You should think about breaking your process up into many workflows if you do have really long*running executions that could reach that many state transitions in order to stay within the 25,000 transitions cap.

1MB maximum request size :-
The maximum payload size for an AWS Step Functions request is 1MB. Consider using Amazon S3 to store the files and using the S3 URIs as inputs to further operations if you want to use larger files as inputs to a Step Functions workflow.

Increases in AWS API calls brought on by a workflow :-
When queries for the AWS API come in waves, AWS may throttle them. A steady rate of requests won’t be an issue, but if some of your workflow’s components use the AWS API inefficiently, a sudden influx of requests from those sections of your workflow can cause the API restrictions to be reached. If at all possible, combining queries to the same AWS service into a single API call or adding timeouts between activities will help you get around this.

50 tags per resource :-
The maximum number of tags you can add to any AWS Step Functions resource is 50. If this is a problem for you, think about altering your tagging strategy to keep inside the allowed range.

Other limits :-
The AWS Support Centre can request an increase in some other restrictions, such as the number of state machines per account and the number of concurrent executions.

Disadvantages of AWS Step Functions :-
Limited scalability :-
As a managed service, AWS Step Functions has a finite amount of scalability. Applications that need to handle a lot of requests or a lot of data may have a difficulty with this.

Limited error handling :- Because AWS Step Functions lacks sophisticated error handling features, managing failures and exceptions in a production setting can be challenging.

Limited debugging and troubleshooting :- Because AWS Step Functions lacks sophisticated debugging and troubleshooting tools, it may be challenging to locate and resolve problems in a production environment.

AWS Step Functions pricing :-
Free Tier :-
4,000 AWS Step Functions state changes are included in the AWS free tier account of per month. Even if your AWS account isn’t brand-new, you can still benefit from this portion of the free tier because it never expires.

State Transitions For Normal Account :-
Step Functions is priced at $0.025 per 1,000 state transitions

Common Use Cases :-
Instead of manually orchestrating those operations or maintaining a separate application, step functions can help ensure that lengthy, multiple ETL jobs execute sequentially and properly finish.

2. You can approach the transformation of monolithic apps into microservices in a series of tiny steps by using Step Functions to handle a few tasks in your codebase.

3. Step Functions make it simple to automate routine processes like patch management, choosing an infrastructure, and data synchronisation. Step Functions also scale themselves automatically, react to timeouts, and repeat failed tasks.

4. Without having to write code for workflow logic, parallel processes, error handling, timeouts, or retries, you can combine several AWS Lambda functions into responsive serverless applications and microservices by using Step Functions.

5. Data and services running on Amazon EC2 instances, containers, or on-premises servers can also be orchestrated.

Conclusion :-
In this blog, we examined Step Functions’ core principles and operation in relation to AWS. State-as-a-service should be used to describe Step Functions. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to keep track of each execution’s state when using several lambda functions or activities. AWS Step Functions makes it simple to coordinate the parts of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows.
You may swiftly extend and modify apps by creating them from separate components that each carry out a distinct purpose. Step operations is a solid approach to organise parts and step through the operations of your application.

