Migrating VM from GCP to AWS using Application Migration Service

Indumathi Jayaraman
Ankercloud Engineering
4 min readAug 2, 2024

Migrating the VM which is already present in the GCP to AWS

Step 1: VM already present in GCP

The VM has 2 Additional disks with 100GB

Additional disks

Step 2: Configuring AWS Application Migration Service

When migrating to AWS using the AWS Application Migration Service, it’s essential to configure a few key templates to ensure a smooth transition: the replication template, the launch template, and the post-launch template. Here’s a brief overview of each and how to set them up.

Replication Template

The replication template is essential for determining how data is copied from our source servers to AWS. This template should be set up before we adding our source servers to AWS Application Migration Service. Once configured, the settings in this template will automatically apply to every new server we add. We can update these settings at any time to according to our needs.

Launch Template

The launch template controls how instances are launched in AWS. By default, the configuration defined in the launch template is automatically applied to every new server. If we need to change settings for existing or newly added servers individually, we can do so within the “Launch settings” tab in the source server details view. However, to edit the template for our entire account, go to the “Launch template” section from the left-hand navigation menu and click “Edit.”

This will open the account template view. Click Edit to update our account-level launch template.

Launch template
Post-Launch template

Step 3: Adding source server

Create an IAM user with programmatic access and add the AWSApplicationMigrationAgentInstallationPolicy for the user.
Go to the source servers and click Add Server.

Step 4: Now Install Agent on GCP VM

Download and install the AWS Replication Agent in the GCP VM. By running the given commands in the AWS console. This will install the installer aws-replication-installer-init agents in the VM.

Once the agent is installed it will create replication Server

Replication Instance

Step 5: Testing Stage

Click on the Launch test instances. This will create a test instance.

Once the test instances are verified, we can finalize the migration. By selecting the option Mark as “Ready For Cutover”

Step 6: Cutover Staging

Click on Launch cutover instances this will terminate the testing instances and create a Cutover instance with the same Volume used in the testing.

If we want to change the configuration of the instance edit in the Launch configuration.

Ready for cutover
Cutover is in progress

Click on Finalize cutover.
Once the Finalize cutover is done we can able to see the Lifecycle status is completed.

Once the cutover is done we can able to see all the disks were migrated.

