I may die today

The feeling is real but I think it can help


Someday we all die” is something that may be you may have heard, yes, yes it´s true, but for some of the chronic illness community, it is something that may come early.

Dry sunflower
Dry sunflower. Photo by Gabriel Alenius on Unsplash

There are a lot of articles that state that suicide rates are elevated in individuals with chronic illness (here is one example), but I´m not referring here to the will to live, on the contrary, I´m referring to the fact that people with chronic illness may have a limited life span throw their health issues compared with their healthy counterparts.

So, going back to why I touched this topic today because yesterday I was feeling that death was touching my shoulder and whispering “soon”, after a very logical conversation with myself and some anxiolytics, I thought it would benefit me and whoever feels the same to twist the view of this topic. Sure, you may die someday, but, what is worth living for?

What are you alive today?

Two white chamomile-like flowers stand out against other dry ones in a field
Chamomile-like flowers. Photo by benti kaur on Unsplash

I live for the good of Nature, as their advocate and a part of it, as we all are part of the intricate web of life itself.

I live for the good sensory relief and the joy of experience it: the rainy sound against the ground or my window and the smell of it; the wind that caresses my cheek and the sound that makes when goes through the leaves of the threes; the sight of the flora and fauna.

I live for the feeling of being alive, for the joy of it, even when I am at my lowest, and the pain strikes like hell I remember the good feelings that I felt early, because even if I was never feeling that again no one can take it back from me.

I live for myself, for what I can a cannot do, for what I am and what I can become.

I live for my internal world and the exploration of the outside, even for an hour, even for all my life.

I live for the joy to be with my loved ones.

I live for the purr of my lovely cat, for the caress of my dogs, and for the memories of all the animals that have touched my heart.

I live for the love.

I live because I am an entire person, not just my chronic illnesses, yes, it is difficult, but there are a lot to be thankful to live for.

That leaves me with other question, if indeed today is the day we leave this world, What would you be thankful for?

What are you thankful for today?

A person holding a sign with black margins and with white background that reads in black letters “GIVE.THANKS.”
Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

I am thankful for the rain that is pouring outside and the magnificent sound that makes.

I am thankful for what I ate, and the ability to eat what is good for me and my sensory necessities.

I am thankful for all the love of my life and the little helping net that I have.

I am thankful that today is a good day and I can advance in my things, such as writing and journaling.

Today am thankful to write this article for you and me.

This is an exercise I practice at least one day of the week, and ask myself what I am thankful for in that moment, it is illuminating, and insightful and gives me a perspective of what I am feeling and seeing. I highly recommend it.

I hope this article helps you have another perspective of if you die, as well as ask yourself why you are alive today and what there is in your life to be grateful for today.

If you would like to share your insights in the comments I would love to read it.

I invite you to clap, comment, and subscribe, it will encourage me to continue writing.

I wrote for free so If you would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee!



Valentina Cecilia - Valentía Crónica
Ankylosing Spondylitis & Spoonies

Hello! I'm Vale, I write about my autistic life with chronic illnesses and disability, I also reflect on life itself. https://linktr.ee/valentiacronica