Why We Built a Web3 Content Management System

Phaedra Poliquin
Anmol Network
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2023

Our Mission to Make Things Easier in the Blockchain Space

We started this project because we realized that in order for Web3 to truly become mainstream, things must become easier. Simply engaging with a blockchain application in the most minimal way can be a multi-step process that for some, is very overwhelming. Even for those more tenured in the space, with a high degree of blockchain literacy, creating a digital identity, or providing individual and customized output into Web3 beyond using a project, requires a development team and extensive overhead costs.

Why is a Web3 Content Management System Important?

A web3 content management system is important because it provides decentralization, ownership and control, interoperability, and community-driven governance. These are some of the many reasons why we have built a Web3 Content Management System. Using Anmol’s simple and easy-to-use one-click solutions, businesses or users are able to integrate blockchain and Web3 technologies into their business model, or digital identity with Multi-Chain DApps and Tools that output customized and branded interfaces for end users.

Wordpress or Canva, but for Web3!

We have become known around the space as a “ Wordpress or Canva, but for Web3”. While Anmol enables users to connect various features together to output their own customized and branded product, or “Web3site”, there are key differences that make a Content Management System in Web3 an enhanced user experience to its Web3 predecessor.

  1. Decentralization

Anmol’s Web3 CMS isbuilt on decentralized technologies like blockchain, IPFS, and others. This means that content is distributed across a network of nodes instead of being centralized in one location. Decentralization provides several benefits, such as increased security, censorship resistance, and elimination of a single point of failure.

2. Ownership and Control

Anmol’s Web3 CMS allows content creators to own and control their content. This is because the content is stored on a decentralized network, and the creator has the private key to access it. This means that creators don’t have to rely on third-party platforms to publish their content, and they can also monetize it without intermediaries taking a cut.

3. Interoperability

Anmol’s Web3 CMS is built to be interoperable with other decentralized technologies. This means that content can be easily shared and used across different applications and platforms. Anmol is able to integrate the best features from a variety of blockchain projects, making them accessible to the user from one easy-to-use point-and-click dashboard!

4. Community Driven

Anmol is community-driven, meaning that users can participate in the development and governance of the platform. This provides a more democratic approach to content management, as users have a say in how the platform is run.

Driving Mass Adoption

Anmol gives users more control over their content, which can empower them to engage with the platform more and produce higher-quality content. This can lead to a network effect where users invite their friends and followers to join the platform, driving mass adoption. Try it out yourself! The Beta version of our DApp Dashboard is LIVE here! Create a generative art NFT collection, hold an NFT Airdrop, or even mint a free Twitter Blue Profile picture!

