Cannot find scss module error when compiling Typescript file in React application

Anna Coding
Anna Coding
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2020

In Create React App V2.0, you can use scss module / css module. If you use scss module in Typescript file e.g. React Typescript Component, firstly let me show you an example how to use scss module in Typescript file.

Scss module name follows the following naming convention .[filename]\_[classname]\_\_[hash].

In browser, you will see class name e.g. .Example_main__i348.

🤔But, when you compile Example.tsx file, you will see the following error:

src/components/Example/Example.tsx:3:20 — error TS2307: Cannot find module ‘./Example.module.scss’.

3 import styles from ‘./Example.module.scss’;

🤔What happened? Well, it lacks scss module type definition.

A quick solution for this issue is using 🎁 typed-css-modules.


Generate TypeScript definitions (.d.ts) files for CSS Modules that are written in SCSS (.scss)

Since the type definitions should only be generated during development, we need to install the package as a development dependency.

yarn add -D typed-scss-modules

Now, the types definition can be generated by providing the directory or glob pattern. Let us try run:

yarn tsm src/

We will see the file Example.module.scss.d.ts is generated. Open Example.module.scss.d.ts file, we can see the content like below:

export const main: string;

Now if you compile Example.tsx, you will not get the previous error.


Similarly, you can consider Typed-css-modules if you are using css modules.

Typed-css-modules creates TypeScript definition files from CSS Modules .css files.

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Anna Coding
Anna Coding

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