Front-end Weekly News — Week 18

Anna Coding
Anna Coding
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2020

Ubuntu 20.10 codenamed Groovy Gorilla, the final version is expected to be released on October 22

Recently, Ubuntu 20.04 has just been released, and now the release plan for the next version has also been announced. Ubuntu 20.10 will be uploaded on April 30. The final version is scheduled to be released on October 22.

Android is exposed to new bugs, causing many devices to become unresponsive

According to Android Police reports, many people have reported that Google Pixel mobile phones have bugs: when running some apps, there are often unresponsive situations. When there is no response, no operation can be performed. Only a forced lock screen can be used to unlock the system. The way.

The report also pointed out that this is a bug in the Android 10 system. The affected devices are not only Google Pixel, but some OnePlus and Xiaomi phones have also been affected. Apps affected by this bug are: YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, YouTube Music, Google Play Store, etc.

Ant-design 4.1.5 released

  • 🐞 Fix Steps style in IE11 when direction is vertical. #23561 @AdrianoRuberto
  • 🐞 Fix Input.Search height affected by suffix and react key warning. #23527
  • 🐞 Fix Menu behavior when hover on submenu gap. #23511
  • 🐞 Fix Tree custom icon missing when node is loading data.#23494

Check more:

React Suite 4.4.0 released

React Suite is a set of react component libraries for enterprise system products. It is a well-thought-out and developer-friendly UI framework.

Angular 10.0.0-next.2 released

Angular 10.0.0-next.2 released and fixed some bugs. Check the fixed bugs in the following url.

Next dark mode 2.2.1 released

This is a dark mode plug-in for Next.js, with automatic mode, no page load failure.

Pico 1.0.1 released

Use JavaScript to take a screenshot of the browser. The screenshot includes the scrolling state of the scrolling element, cross-domain image, input state, Web font, canvas content, current video frame content, etc.



Anna Coding
Anna Coding

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