The Trumpet Story

Anna Sircova
Anna Sircova Photography
2 min readApr 22, 2013
Vor Frue Kirke — Københavns Domkirke | Good morning, Copenhagen!

Trumpet Solo at Sunrise

one simple story and maybe not a story and maybe not so simple we’d like to tell about we do remember it from childhood and maybe not from childhood and maybe even don’t remember but will try to recollect

“Tomorrow morning you can see the sun rise over the rooftops of Copenhagen from the spire of Vor Frue Kirke. Be there at 06.30 and join for a walk up the stairs accompanied by a trumpet solo.” It was the Easter sunday morning. I was surprised to see that many people at this hour. But in a few moments it became self-evident why.

Awaiting the sunrise | Københavns Domkirke

It was an experience which doesn’t travel well with words or pictures, but I will do my best.

City Hall | Good morning, Copenhagen!

We were up in the bell tower with the wonderful view over Copenhagen. Waiting for the sun to rise. At the very tip of it the trumpet played a tune and people lit the candles. They sang a carol and let the moment sink in. On our way down, we noticed a couple that the guard just left standing there. He was making a proposal and she didn’t know. The guard had promised to the man that he could have the spire and the sunrise just for themselves.

The Sunrise | Good morning, Copenhagen!
“will you …” | Good morning, Copenhagen!

Originally published at on April 22, 2013.



Anna Sircova
Anna Sircova Photography

a modern nomad.. researcher.. photographer.. am just curious about things around.. enjoy music, arts, history, conversation, humor, coffee and chocolate..