Christmas Banquet at Corte Madera

by Laurie Thompson

Portrait of James McCue, Corte Madera pioneer, 1888 © Sausalito News

Reported in the Sausalito News, December 7, 1907:

An exceedingly enjoyable and elaborate affair took place in a most beautiful wind and fog protected spot in California, which as most of us know is Corte Madera, Marin County. The repast was given by the McCue District Improvement Club. This being one of the winter months, the Madera Tavern was extensively illuminated with electricity and handsomely decorated with Christmas berries intermingled with greens. Stepping from the corridor, thence to the hall, on the left, the billiard room, on the right, the dining room with the guests numbering more than twenty….

Madera Tavern on the right & Corte Madera Station on the left, 1913. Anne T. Kent California Room Collection

Dr. J.S. McCue, being president, was the first to speak. The doctor being along in years and the first settler in Corte Madera, deeply interested all by telling of the younger life of more than forty years ago. When he first came over to Marin County he found this wonderful unbuilt spot in the foothills of Mt. Tamalpais. After knowing the waters and lands from Dawson to Mexico, he could find no other spot more beautiful than Corte Madera…. …he referred to President Roosevelt being a faithful servant of the people, and stated that he contributed more than anyone to the President’s salary in the way of internal revenue, because he smoked more cigars and drank more whiskey than any man in the United States. The doctor’s remarks were loudly applauded….

After partaking of the grand spread, the guests adjourned to the dance hall where the most enjoyable part of the evening was spent….

Editor’s Note: The “Madera Tavern” mentioned in this article was located in today’s Parkside Hotel building on Corte Madera’s town square. Corte Madera pioneer James McCue purchased several hundred acres of land in the heart of Corte Madera in 1871. Many of the subdivisions in today’s Corte Madera were carved from the acreage of James S. McCue and Frank M. Pixley.

For more information on the history of Corte Madera, we recommend:

A History of Corte Madera. Edited by Jana Haehl. Corte Madera History & Heritage Group, 2002.

Originally published at



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