Frank Lloyd Wright Introduces Himself to Marin in 1957

by Laurie Thompson

Civic Center Administration Building Taking Shape, 1961. Anne T. Kent California Room, Marin County Free Library.

On July 31, 1957, Frank Lloyd Wright spoke at a community meeting at San Rafael High School to introduce himself and his architectural vision to the people of Marin.

He explained the concept of organic architecture:

“Organic architecture is new…it is the architecture that is humane. Is is the architecture that is out of nature, for nature. And that means human nature….It is the quality of life itself.”

He spoke of the instrinsic beauty of Marin’s landscape:

“Why do you love Marin County? It’s beautiful. Why are you here? It’s beautiful….. That love of beauty…is the moving cause of nearly everything worth the civilization we have. And don’t you know that a civilization without a culture…is like a man or a woman without a soul….. And culture consists of the expressions of this love of beauty in the human spirit.”

He pledged:

“I’m very proud to be here….to make the buildings of this county characteristic of the beauty of the county.”

Most would agree that he did.

Originally published at



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